First Game Back

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~First off, WELCOME BACK!! I'm sorry this took so long! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This will be in all Tobin's POV~

Today is the day, I have regained my full one-hundred percent strength. It's my first game back and I am beyond excited. Sadly, Chris won't be able to make it to my game because of school, but that's okay because there will be plenty of games for her to come too. My parents are coming tonight, and they said they would FaceTime her during the game. I walked down to the locker room before everyone else, I just wanted to take some time to myself before this game. It's a really big deal for me so I want to make sure I am 100% ready and dedicated to play the full 90. I told coach the only way I was playing was if I was playing the full 90. Of course there was no argument (thankfully), she wants to see me out there. I was always called the 'star child' but I don't see myself as that, I see me as just another teammate going after the same thing.
Finally, it's about 30 minutes before the game starts, I'm out on the field warming up. I'm definitely nervous, I don't know why, it feels like how I did when I was four years old about to play my first game. I couldn't help but to smile at the butterflies I had in my stomach as I'm warming up, I am SO ready to play again. We all go back into the locker room and coach gives us a pep talk before we walk out into the field. As we're about to walk out of the tunnel, coach walked up to me and handed me the captains armband... I'm officially back.
45th minute into the game score is tied up at 1-1. At this point I am just having fun having the ball at my feet and nutmegging players as I weave in and out of people trying to get to the goal. Halftime comes and we go to the locker room, everyone is getting each other hyped up so we can get back out there and get one if not two more goals. 89th minute comes we're still tied up, as I'm running down the field I see an opening and waved my hands to the player who had the ball and she passed me the most beautiful ball and I shot it to the upper left hand corner of the net and it hits the back of the net. The crowd goes absolutely crazy, and I hit my knees. After 3 and a half months of fighting to get my body right, fighting physical therapy, the sweat and tears my body has given off, I finally did it. I am finally back.
After the game I go up to the stands to my find my parents, I find them and hug them and stepped back and began talking to them. I felt a finger tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see who it was, low and behold it's my beautiful girl friend... "CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???" As I hug her and lift her up in my arms. I begin to feel myself start to get very emotional and I start to cry into her shoulders as I'm holding her. "You couldn't have possibly thought I was going to miss your first game back?" She says with the little smirk she always has. "Oh Chris I am so happy you're here! When did you get here and how long are you here for??" Luckily my game was on a Friday so she gets to stay until Sunday. I could not be anymore happy, and absolutely nothing could ruin this night. I told my parents and Chris that I was gonna go shower and get ready, "do you guys want to go grab dinner?" I say to my parents and they shake their heads yes and asked if it was okay. "Of course it is! I love you guys I'll see you in a little bit, Chris meet me by the tunnels and I'll give you my keys to the car so you can go ahead and get it started okay?" I say to her, "okay babe". I could not be anymore happier!

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