Like They Do In Texas, Please

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Hey guys! Welcome back, I am sorry to inform you guys but this will be the last chapter of this story. I have had so much fun writing this and the amounts of love and support that y'all have given me. I really hope you guys enjoy this last chapter! Also a HUGE shout-out to my friend HollieRosewood for Co-writing this!! Go follow and read some of her stories!! ENJOY!!!- T

General POV

I really can't believe Chris came to my game tonight, Tobin thinks to herself during dinner. She can't help but smile at Chris and her parents talking and laughing. Nothing can take this away.

They finish up dinner, and Tobin asks, "Where are you staying?"

Chris bows her head a little. "I was hoping with you."

Tobin nods her head aggressively, looking like a puppy that wants a treat.

Chris laughs. "How about we go for a drive somewhere?" she asks. "Just us."

"Yeah, totally," Tobin says.

So with quick goodbyes to each of their parents, they prepare to set off. Tobin runs to the opposite side of the car to - of course - open Chris' door. As always, Chris is in charge of the music and Tobin pays attention to the road.

They are about ten minutes away from home when a car comes speeding up behind them, police lights circling around the vehicle. Chris checks the speedometer, but Tobin is going the speed limit.

Tobin pulls over and looks over at Chris. "I'm sure it's nothing. The only time I ever got pulled over they let me off."

"What, for being Tobin Heath?" Chris jokes, but her laughter stops at the sound of a car door slamming.

The officer's large hand bangs on the window, and Tobin rolls it down. "Is everything okay?" Tobin asks as she digs in her pocket for her license, but the officer has different plans.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to step out and get to the front of my car, please."

Tobin glances at Chris, then nods her head. She unbuckles her seatbelt, gets out and walks with the policeman.

 Christen is starting to get nervous, resting her elbow on her knee to keep it from bouncing. At first she sees nothing, though she hears what sounds like a grunt from Tobin. Her face is pressed against the tinted black window as handcuffs jangle, mouthing, You need to help me!

The window is black again, and a car door shuts. Christen manoeuvres herself to the driver's seat, screaming out the window for them to stop. Instead, they hit the gas without even coming back to talk to her.

"The hell?" Chris mumbles to herself, hitting the gas as well. She has to speed in order to catch up.

One left turn later, she thinks she's almost there - but it was a bad idea. Right then, a black van appears in front of Christen, not fully parked before the doors spring open and two armed men hurry out, aiming at her. She swerves right, then right again, then right one more time until she's back onto the four-lane main road, where she cuts in front of a car transporter for cover.

"911, do you need police, fire, or ambulance?" A twangy female voice blares out of Chris' cell.

"Um..." Chris thinks back to the officers, and how much they looked like real policemen. "I don't know. Do you know about someone who just got pulled over on State Route 213?"

"It's a big street, er- why? What's going on there?"

"I just thought police officers are supposed to call it in. Did you get any call in for the last name Heath?"

There's silence for a moment. "Nope."

Christen feels herself beginning to break down. "Okay, I need to file a missing person's report," she says.

After leaving an emotional message on Tobin's parents' machine, a couple of police officers approached Christen on the side of the road. It feels as though all the words are jumbling together in her head, even though the officers assure her she's doing well with the questions.

"I'll drive you home," one officer says. "Paul, you can take care of her car."

Chris wants to stop them, but all she can do is tearfully ask, "You're the real police, right?" until the question is like a broken record.

Back at a hotel, Chris meets with her parents. Even though they have a police officer outside their doors, she can't sleep. She just hopes that Tobin is okay and that they aren't hurting her...

There is a loud knocking that would have woken up the whole neighborhood. Christen looks at the clock. It's 7:30 AM, and she didn't fall asleep until 6 AM. She gets up to answer the door and wipes her eyes, which are puffy and crusty from crying all night.

"Morning, my name is Detective McDaniel," a middle-aged, smart-looking man in a suit jacket shakes her hand. "I think I have a motive on where Tobin might be and what has she gotten herself into."

"Tell me," Chris says, suddenly awake. "Tell me everything. I can take it."

The man sighs. "Did you know anything about her gambling?"


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