Recovering From Tragedy

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Author's Note: SURPRISE!!!!! I am back!!!!

It's been a couple of days since the day Tobin's day took a turn for the worst then back to okay. She is now just waking up and feels a heavy presence on her chest and looks down. She sees the most peaceful girl in the entire world sound asleep. Christen told her that she was her safe place, so now Tobin doesn't know what she is gonna do when they go back to school. She's looked into transferring to Stanford, but she doesn't want to be overly possessive. She gets up and is met by her mom, making coffee and about to fix breakfast. "Hey mom, can I talk to you?" she says. "Sure honey, are you okay?" her mom says, and Tobin takes a deep breath. "Mom, what if I'm not there to protect her at school? I mean you heard her, she said I was her safe place and I don't want her to be scared about being alone. I know we're doing long distance right now, but what if I transferred to Stanford..." at this point Christen is walking downstairs and is listening to Tobin talk to her mom, but she can't help but fall more in love with her because of how protective she is. Before she met her, she was very protective of the previous girlfriend. When she passed away from the car wreck, She had went into this dark stage of her life. Drinking her life away seemed only fitting at the time, her best friends decided to tell her parents and they helped her get away from the drinking. 

Christen finally comes downstairs and asks to speak to her privately, they step into her mom's office and Christen just walks up slowly to tobs and just hugs her tightly, they stay like that for a couple of minutes. She pulls back and just kisses her softly and says "I love you". Tobin is confused on why she is saying that, but she's not going to question it. They both eat breakfast with her family, and decide that they will leave tomorrow morning back to school. They decide to get ready for the day and go out and explore a little bit and spend some time with her family until they leave the next morning. They both come up with the conclusion to go to the beach to play some beach soccer, but first they stop at their everyday coffee shop. They both get their coffee's and head down to the beach. The rest of the day consists of spending time with her family. 

Next Morning: 
They both start to wake up around the same time and get out of bed and start packing their stuff into the rental car that Tobin's parents got them. They tell her parents bye and said they'll call every time they stop. It's about five hours into the drive and Tobin is driving, they decide they're gonna stop to get something to eat. They get off the exit and at the red light she decides she's going to wake Christen up, when the light turns green Tobin starts to go, but the next thing she knows she looks like a deer in headlights, they had been in an accident...

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