Christmas Day and The Truth

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Author Note: I'm sorry this is a little late, also buckle up!! This is gonna be a really good one!! thanks for reading - t

General POV: They decided to do Christmas a little early with Christen's family because they both wanted to be at Tobin's family, so Christen can finally meet her family. Tobin is already home, so she is on her way to pick Christen up from the airport.

Tobin POV: Well, today is Christmas Eve and Christen is finally meeting my family and I am beyond nervous, I know they will love her, I just want her to feel comfortable. She really is a special person to me and I just don't know how she is gonna feel about meeting them. I stop at the local flower shop and get her flowers just like every time I pick her up from the airport, I feel like it's our tradition now. I see my phone light up on the windshield in my phone holder. "Hey, we've landed, I can't wait to see you!" I smile as I read the text. "Hey Siri, text babe" I say cause I'm driving. "Can't wait to see you too, and I'm about to pull up, what terminal?" I have butterflies like crazy and I don't understand why, because I've seen this girl so many times but every time I see her she takes my breath away. I pull up to the terminal she told me, I get out and grab the flowers and go stand on the sidewalk and wait until she comes out. Then all of a sudden, those green familiar eyes meet mine and I am completely lost in her eyes and only her. I wrap my arms around her and just stand there hugging her. "I've missed you so much" I hear her say.

Christen POV: My suitcase is already with me, so I don't have to go to baggage claim. I begin to walk to the door that I told Tobin to be at, and I walked out and there she is. My goodness did she look so good!! I just walked up to her and didn't say anything and just wrapped my arms up, I'm not gonna lie. I feel tears in my eyes, I guess I really missed her. "I've missed you so much" I say in her ear, I feel her shiver as if that sent a chill down her spine. I couldn't help but smile because that was probably the cutest thing I've seen her do. We pull away from each other and she hands me the roses that she has gotten me. Thank you love, I say. She smiles and opens my car door and takes my suitcase, I get in and grab her phone and start to play our playlist because I'm with her now and I just want to be in this time and only this time.  

Tobin POV: We get out of the airport area, it's always so hectic to get out of there. I feel her put her hand on my thigh and I don't know what it is about her sending chills up and down my spine but I've never had a girl do this to me, so she's definitely more different from other girls I've dated. So are you ready to meet my family? I say to make some conversation before we get to my house. "Actually, yes I am. I've never met anyone's family besides Nima's." I hear her say, which really made me smile because I am the first girl who she is meeting their family. We finally pull up into the drive way, hey look at me for a second I say. Do we need a code word for you? I say laughing. "Are they that bad?" I hear her say, no I just don't want you to get bombarded with questions which will probably happen. We finally go in and everyone comes up and meets her and we all sit around for hours just talking. "Well, we should probably head to bed since tomorrow is Christmas and everyone is gonna be here!" I say as I take her hand and stand up. 

General POV: They both wake up the next morning, and get ready for the day. Tobin has a secret up her sleeve and Christen has NO idea! Everyone gathers around downstairs and eats breakfast first before they open presents. 

Christen POV: I honestly feel so at home here, Tobin's family has been the absolute best! We all sit down and eat breakfast and just making small talk, until it's time to do presents. I asked Tobin to go upstairs and get the black bag full of presents. She comes back down, this is so heavy I hear her complain. I open it and everyone could see it was presents, "Oh Christen, you didn't have to get us presents. We're just glad you're here with us!" I hear her mom say. I looked up at her and said it was the least I could do. I hand her parents theirs first, because I wanted to save Tobin's last, just cause she is impatient, I giggle. Finally it's Tobin's turn, I hand her a couple of presents to open. They're mostly just soccer shirts and stuff like that. Everyone is about finished with opening their things they got. Her parents also got me some stuff. Tobin whispers in my ear to go out on the back porch with her. I shake my head and stand up and walk outside.

Tobin POV: We both go outside and I pull out a letter that I wrote. Do you want me to read this to you or you read it to yourself? I say. Can you read it for me? It'll mean more, she says which made me smile so big.
"Dear Christen:
Well, today is our very first Christmas. I am so thankful that you chose to spend it with me and my family. We are pretty crazy, so I hope we don't scare you away. Well the reason I am writing this letter, is because there is one last present for you from me. I just want you to know that I really care about you more than you probably will ever know. You're my other half and I don't think I can go on with life if I don't have you in my life. You're an incredible person, Christen. So with all of this being said, I know we've only been dating for a couple of months but I hope you like this. I promise to be here through it all. I promise to care for you every single day. I promise to take care of you when you are sick and everything with that.
- Tobin
I look up at her and see the tears in her eyes so I hand her the bag and she opens it and there is a promise ring in it. I take it out and ask if she will accept this ring and she shakes her head yes. Christen? I say nervous for what I am about to say, "yes" I hear her say. I love you I say with a frozen look on my face. She takes my hand and intertwines our fingers and kisses me and says "I love you too tobs" and I completely melted. It felt so right and I am so happy to have her with me right now. 

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