Getting Her Back

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Tobin POV: I'm packing my stuff and getting ready to go, "Shit I need to get an uber" I go to the app, and there's one about twenty minutes away, I ordered it and texted the driver and explained that I need to get to the airport to get the girl of my life back, he said on my way be there in ten. I laughed as he said that, "okay great, don't get pulled over!!!" I laughed and headed down to the lobby and explained to the front desk that I was gonna be leaving and to go ahead and check out sooner than I thought. They said that was fine and to hope everything. I pulled out her letter and kinda teared up because I should've told her when Gabi called, but I wanted to surprise her but I ruined it. I hope she forgives me...

Christen POV: **Flight 24A is now boarding** I hear from the intercom system. Well that's me I say to my self, I gather my stuff and start heading to the gate, I turn around hoping Tobin was gonna run through everyone like the movies, but that's just wishful thinking. I get to my seat on the plane and text Nima letting him know that I've boarded and I'll let him know when I land. I grab my airpods and just put my phone on airplane mode and listen to the music I had downloaded my phone. I look out the window and saw downtown LA, somewhere there is Tobin. I'm gonna miss her but I guess that this was what was best. I don't like secrets and if she can't tell me something simple then there is no reason in pursuing a relationship or even trying to be in one. I just laid my head back and try to sleep, I don't feel crying. 

Tobin POV: *Flash forward to an hour after arriving at the airport* 
**Flight 12C is now boarding** Alright it's time to go get my girl, for some reason I have the same butterflies I did when I picked her up from the airport! Gosh, the effect this woman has on me is incredible. As I get situated I texted Nima, to see if the plan was still in effect. "Yes, on my way to pick her up now!" he responds. Perfect I think to myself, I then get my pillow and my airpods out and start listening to playlist I've began to make for Christen. I was gonna give it to her on our last night together, but now I'm not sure when I am going to. *DING DING DING* A bell went off in my head, THAT'S IT I say to myself, I pull out my laptop and start planning something that I hope she'll love. 

Christen POV: I wonder why Tobin hasn't texted me, she obviously doesn't give a shit about me I say frustratedly, I don't mean it but I do at the same time, I don't even know anymore. My plane finally lands and I text Nima and let him know where to pick me up, I'm actually kind of excited to be home for the rest of break. I see Nima's car and I put my phone in my pocket and he gets out and helps me with my stuff, he's kinda acting weird but I'm probably just delirious from traveling. "You ready to go home?" I hear him say, I look back at the airport one last time and say yeah I think so. He puts the car in drive and we head home. I literally just want to get home and crawl in my bed with my puppies and cry myself to sleep. About an hour goes by it took forever  because there was traffic, we get home and Nima says he has to go. Why do you have to leave so quick? I say confused. My mom is wanting me to have dinner with her and the family, I can come back over after we eat and everything, he says. Uh yeah that's fine I say still confused on why he is acting weird. I just give him a hug and go to my room and start a bath to get all this airport filth off of me and to finally relax and think about the previous events of the past two days.

General POV: Nima is now racing back to the airport to get Tobin in time. Tobin's plane is about to land in the next ten minutes or so, so Nima has enough time to get there. He's hoping Christen doesn't think he's being suspicious but he's doing it because he knows Tobin makes his best friend the happiest he's ever seen her. Tobin had WiFi on the plane and texted Nima a list of things he needed him to get before she gets off the plane. 

Tobin POV: As soon as I texted Nima, my flight attendant came over the intercom and said we were about to land and to put all electronics up. As soon as we landed I got out my phone and texted him again and said Project Getting My Girl Back is underway. I think I am nervous because a lot is about to happen I just hope she likes it. I get outside and waited for a grey Mercedes to pull up, soon enough I saw it. He got out and hugged me and said lets get your girl, but if you ever hurt her, you deal with me and her dad. I shook my head and said not to worry. Shit I haven't even met her dad yet, well this could either go good or bad. Lets find out...  

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