Zoned And Confused

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General POV: They get back to the hotel and both get blankets and cuddle up on the bed and start to find a movie to watch. They order room service so they can have dinner and snacks for the movie, and get situated after the food comes.

Tobin POV: After I told her what was going on earlier, I all of a sudden feel a sense of calm. I don't know why this feeling has come over me but I'm glad I told her what was going on. It's always a good thing to get stuff off your chest even if you barely know the person you're telling your feelings too. I can see my self with Christen for a really long time, I just wish knew how she really felt about me, but tonight isn't the night to figure that out. I just want to actually spend some time with her and see where tonight takes us... (not like that, so go ahead and get your mind out of the gutter). "Tobin, are you okay?" I heard her say I guess I was so far into my feelings, huh? yeah I'm okay, sorry I guess I spaced out I laughed as soon as I said. Okay what movie you wanna watch?? I say hoping she forgets about that.

Christen POV: I looked over at Tobin and she is completely zoned out so I ask if she's okay and she said she was. I was wondering what was on her mind. I hate not knowing, I love being there for people and especially her because she's starting to become my whole world and that's honestly the scariest thing in the entire world. We end up watching some chick flick that she wanted to watch, and I'm okay with it because I'm cuddled up into her side and my head is on her
chest. I suddenly feel her move around and told me she needed to get up. I saw her grab her phone and saw someone named Gabi was calling her. I start to wonder who it was and I don't want to overthink but who the hell is Gabi? She goes to the bathroom and tells me she'll be right back. I heard her lock the door and she NEVER locks the bathroom door. I can distinctly hear talking to this girl. I grab my phone and start scrolling through Instagram and I don't want to think about anything. I get up and go down to the lobby to clear my mind. I left a sticky note saying I'll be back.

Tobin POV: We're laying there and I hear my phone vibrating so I look over and I see Gabi pop up. I have to answer this or she'll end up blowing my phone up. "Hey I'll be right back" I say to Christen. "Uh okay..." I hear her say quietly. I probably will never hear the end of this...

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