Back to School We Go... Or Not

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Authors Note: This is probably gonna be a touchy subject, but actually delete it. I need feedback! Let me know what y'all think! enjoy!

As Tobin and Christen pack their things for their flights back to their separate homes, they can't help but hug every five minutes. Tobin finally told her that she loves her and Christen is really just over the moon about it. They both feel safe and secure together and they just can't imagine not being together for the rest of their lives. They both say their goodbyes to Tobin's family and get in the uber and heads to the airport. Hand in hand and occasional glances at each other, no one really says anything because if they do, one or the other will get upset because this has probably been the best time they've had yet. The ride to the airport is about an hour so Tobin decides to take a nap in Christen's lap. Christen just can't help but watch her sleep, as the sun hits her soft smooth face in between tree's. She just falls more in love at the every move Tobin makes or how she wakes up in the morning and brings her coffee, or how she does yoga even though Tobin doesn't like it. It makes it harder every time they say their goodbyes, but they know they will see each other in a matter of time.

They arrive at the airport and Christen has to wake Tobin up. "Huh, What??" Tobin jumps out of her hard slumber that she just had. "We're here..." Christen says with a sad look on her face. They both get out and meet the driver at the trunk to get their stuff and say thank you to the uber driver. They both get their boarding tickets and go through security together. Christen's plane is leaving first, so Tobin decides to go sit with her at her gate until they have to board. They board in about thirty minutes or so, so they go get coffee and head back to the gate. About twenty-five minutes later the guy comes over the intercom and says "Flight 13A is now boarding", well that's their cue to say they're goodbyes and go their separate ways for a little while. Tobin then notices a guy who looks a little off and is boarding Christen's plane but she doesn't think twice about it and turns her focus back on her girlfriend.

After they say their goodbyes and hug each other, Tobin goes to her gate and finds a seat. Luckily Christen's flight has wifi so she can text Tobin. About an hour after Christen's flight took off, Tobin got a very unsettling text from her girlfriend.
Chris>Tobin: Babe, there is a guy on the plane screaming at the flight attendant, I love you Tobs...
Chris>Tobin: Tobin he has a gun...
Tobin then runs to the desk and alerts the guy behind the desk and shows him the texts from her girlfriend, he automatically sprints into action and starts alerting the police in Stanford, CA. He tells Tobin to not go anywhere, that they are going to try to get the plane to turn around come back to the airport. Tobin is freaking out and begins to call her parents and explains what's going on, her parents are heading to the airport... One of the airport security members finally get in touch with the pilot and has told him to turn the plane around but to not let the guy know what is going on, the pilot agrees and says they'll be landing at the airport in less than fifteen minutes. Tobin's parents arrive at the airport and immediately rush to Christen's gate that she was at, and they find Tobin. She's physically a wreck and she doesn't know what to do with herself at this point. Her mom takes her into her arms and is whispering it's gonna be okay. Suddenly they can see a plane landing and a bunch of police rushing the plane on the tarmac, as they get stairs up to the airplane. When the police get on the plane, it's not even five minutes later that police have the man in custody. One by one passengers are being escorted off the plane to the terminal, Tobin waits patiently, and finally lays eyes on her girlfriend. Christen is physically shaken up, says to Tobin "I didn't think I would see you again..." as she starts to cry in Tobin's arms. Tobin looks at her parents trying to not cry as she could've lost her whole entire world. Her parents tell them that they should come back to the house for a couple of days and that they'll rent them a car to drive back to school. Christen has to talk to the police before she leaves on what she knows and what happened on the plane, Tobin stands back and waits for her to get done and just could not be more grateful that she is okay and that no one got hurt on the plane.

They get into the car, and Tobin just can't help but hold Christen but it just seems that's what she needs at this time. The car ride is quiet on the way back home. Christen has already called her dad to let him know what has happened but to let him tell the rest of the family so she isn't bombarded by questions from them. She looks up at Tobin who is just staring out the window wondering what's going on inside her head. She just grabs her hand and squeezes it letting Tobin know that she is okay and safe with her. She then sees a tear form from Tobin's eyes, and she rests her hand on her cheek and caresses it and just really couldn't help but kiss Tobin right then and there. It seemed to help Tobin calm down just a little bit. They get back to the house and they take their bags back up to the room they were staying in. Tobin walks over to Christen and just hugs her and says "I love you so much" and she could feel her smile against her shoulder and takes a deep breath and says "I wouldn't have wanted anyone else waiting for me to get off that plane then you, I feel safe with you. You are my home." Christen says...

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