Her Angel

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This will kind of continue from the last chapter, but a new chapter. If that makes sense! I don't know if this will be a tear jerker for anyone who reads this but head's up this a touchy chapter. Enjoy and leave feedback, if y'all don't mind! -t

Tobin POV: We're riding around her town and I can tell something is bothering her. This didn't start until after we left the library that honored her mom. I take her hand that is sitting on the gear stick, and just hold it. Every now and then I would squeeze it to help her stay in reality so she doesn't stay in her thoughts. We get to a red light and I look over at her and the sun is perfectly hitting her face, and she looks at me with that little side grin and I just can't help but smile. Her dad suddenly calls her and says he's gonna head back to the house but that we can go do what we wanted, but we needed to be back by 7:30 for dinner. "We're gonna go to my spot" I hear her say to her dad. I'm not quite sure what his response was but her smile was a very small one. Okay I love you she says and she hangs up the phone. Your spot? I say and she looks and nods her head.

Christen POV: I think I am ready to take someone to my spot. This is the spot that me and my mom were at together before she passed away. I'm ready to tell her about my mom and the person she was. We start heading up the mountain and we get to where we need to get out. I pull over and we both get out, we start hiking up the little side mountain that leads up to where we needed to go. I grab Tobin's hand and I start to get nervous because like I've said I've never brought anyone up here, not even Nima. We get close to the top, "Hey Tobin?" I say nervous when I say what I need to ask. Yeah what's up? I hear her say, can you actually stop right here and wait for me, I need to go up there by myself for a minute. She looks at me confused, yeah sure whatever you need she says. Thank you, I'll holler down when I am ready. I walk up and just take a deep breath, Hey mom I hope you're listening. I hope you're not upset that I brought someone up to our spot but Tobin is becoming a big part of my life and I felt like it was the right time before I have to go back to college. I hope I am making you proud of me, everything I do is for you. I am gonna be on the national team one day, I promised you before you passed away. I won't really know where to start with you when I tell Tobin about you, I guess I would start with how amazing you really were as a mother and a human being I say up to the sky hoping she is listening. Suddenly, a red cardinal flew right next to me and landed on the ground a couple of feet away from me. (If you don't know what red cardinal signifies, it means that a guardian angel is near or someone you loved who has passed.) I feel my eyes water, Mom I haven't even began talking about you and you already have me crying, I say with a little laugh. I love you mom. "Tobin? I holler telling her she can come up.

Tobin POV: Christen asked if she could go up for a minute by herself, I said yeah sure whatever she needed. I'm guessing this was a spot that she would come and escape reality, I'm just standing there catching my breath and taking a drink of water. Then as I am standing there a red cardinal flew past me, which was really unexpected but kind of made me smile. Tobin? I hear Christen say, I guess that was my cue to go up there. I get up there and see Christen standing in the middle and I looked around and we are surrounded by nothing but mountains and it was honestly breathtaking. I walk up to her and grab her hand, gave her a hug and we walked over to a big rock to sit. "I'm guessing you know what this place is?" I hear her say, I've kinda gathered the clues to figure it out. Was this your mom's spot? I say. Yeah this was the last place that me and her came too before she passed away, you're the first person I have brought up here. Not even Nima has been up here. I came up here before you to talk to her about bringing you up here I hear her say. 

Christen POV: So I guess I'll kinda explain what happened, my mom passed away from a brain aneurysm. I was unfourtley away for college but got the call that she was in the hospital and I needed to come home as soon as possible. So I came home and I saw her before she passed away. The last time I was home on a holiday, me and my mom hiked this little mountain and we spent hours up here just in each other's presence.  My mom was one of the most selfless person I've ever met, everyone she came across loved her. Her personality was a lot like mine, I live for her now and only her. She was my hero and to this day still is, she may be gone but she is watching over me. When I was up here talking to her before you came up here, a red cardinal landed right next to me and I knew instantly that it was her. So mom, this is Tobin, I say looking up to sky holding Tobin's hand. I looked over to her and she just had tears streaming down her face. "First, I just want to say Mrs. Press thank you for Christen. She's an incredible girl and I know you are proud of her" I hear her say which is now making me cry. Tobin looks over at me, and just takes me into her arms and I all of a sudden feels a sense of calm and peace around us. I looked at my phone to see what time it was, and it's 5:30. I guess we ought to head back to the house to have dinner with my dad I say to Tobin, are you ready? Actually can I also have a minute up here alone? I hear her say. Yes, I'll be in the car whenever you're ready.

Tobin POV: Actually can I also have a minute up here alone? I say to her. we hug after before she goes back to the car. When I am alone, I start talking to her mom. I hope you know that I'll never do anything to intentionally hurt your daughter. She means the absolute world to me, she's honestly perfect. I am sure she is a spitting image of you, I just want to say thank you for allowing me to come up here with her. I know the cardinal was you that flew past me, which means you accepted me into your family. I'll do everything I can do to take care of your daughter. I say as I look out at the mountains, and then I walk back to the car and she is sitting there on her phone waiting for me. I get in and just reach over and cup her face in my hands, kissed her, and rested my head against hers. Thank you for showing me your place, I hope we can go back. Hey you know when you talked about the red cardinal? One actually flew right past me like forty-five seconds before you called my name and it flew right towards your direction, that was your mom huh? She begins to tear up and say yes. I think she accepts me into your family and yes your dads acceptances is important I felt like your moms acceptances was what I needed to feel like a part of your family, I say. We sit there for a couple of minutes to calm down our nerves because we are both crying right now. "why don't we head home and eat dinner, then we can watch a movie with my dad or just us two" I hear her say, that sounds like a plan darlin'. She turns on the car and we head back to her house. Gosh, she is definitely something special to me. Thank you God, I look up to the sky out the window, then give my girl my full attention.

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