Chapter 16

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Once I’d driven back to my apartment, (Lizzie still hadn’t woken up), I realised I needed to tell Gibbs. Or maybe Abby could do it, she was closer to Gibbs, but then it was my idea to test the DNA.

Pulling into the parking lot, I held my keys right in my fingertips, so I could unlock the door once I got upstairs, and not have to put Lizzie down.

I picked her up and headed towards my building.

Halfway there, her eyes fluttered open and then closed again as she snuggled closer into my coat.

When I got upstairs and unlocked the door, I put her on the bed and eased her jacket off, so I could pull the covers over here and she wouldn’t get too hot.

Back in the living room, I opened up the sofa bed and made myself comfortable. Sarah had stayed over enough times so that I was used to sleeping on it now.

Just as I was getting sleepy, a figure blocked out the soft light from the bedroom.

Lizzie’s POV

‘Hey, Timmy, you don’t have to sleep on the sofa bed, it’s your apartment,’ I said, my voice still quiet after being asleep.

‘Its fine, trust me, Sarah’s been over so many times, I’m used to it,’ I told her.

‘I don’t care, if you’re not going to move, I will,’ I stated, getting in the other side of the sofa bed, which was absolutely freezing!

Tim must have seen this and gave me a hug, trying to warm me up.

I was so warm and snuggled up, I started to fall asleep again, but before I did, I had to ask Tim something I’d wanted to ask all day.



‘You know the other name my mum supposedly had?’


‘What was her name?’

He sighed.

‘I’ll tell you in the morning…’ he said, resting his chin on top of my head, as I fell asleep.

Ziva’s POV

I hope Lizzie’s okay, we haven’t heard from her this morning since she took McGee home when he said he was ill.

Abby wasn’t herself today either, maybe something was going about.

Tony’s POV

I still feel so bad about calling Lizzie ‘Zabby’.

It must have brought back so many bad memories, from when she was in Iraq.

Since she got here and started working for Gibbs, I didn’t make as much fun of McGee, mostly because she would kill me slowly and silently if I did. They seemed pretty close.

Gibbs told me to go and check on the evidence Abby was supposed to be sorting through and processing.

As I stepped out of the lift, it seemed unusually quiet in the lab. There was still music playing but it wasn’t as loud and there was no clanging and other sounds Abby can’t help but make, especially with those huge shoes.

When I walked in, I could see her sitting at her desk, but slumped over. Asleep.

Shifting in her sleep, Abbs hit a button on her keyboard and some pictures popped up, but the bleep woke Abby up. All I saw was a picture of Lizzie, Gibbs and two pictures of a pretty redhead.

A/N: hey so i like doing all the different POV's, tell me what you think :)

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