Chapter 35

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Lizzie POV

The day before had been really busy. We moved my furniture into Tim’s half furnished apartment, so at least it looked lived in by a human being. I didn’t have a lot of stuff; mainly clothes, so I didn’t take up much room.

This morning, I woke up snuggled into something warm and slightly squidgy, with an arm around me. I was happy.

That is, until a certain girl who looks like a goth, but flat out refuses she is, and doesn’t exactly act like one, used her emergency key to get into the apartment, and wake us up with a saucepan and wooden spoon.

‘Up, up, up! Come on, Lizzie! Shopping today!’ I groaned. Why did I agree to this in the first place?

‘Abby… let me wake up… please?’ I whined.

‘Nope! McGee, you too! We have a girly day planned, and you need to check on Tony!’ she said, finding a t shirt and jeans and chucking them at him.

‘Abbs! Give me a second!’ he said, stumbling to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

‘Right, come on! Get dressed!’ she said to me, finding me something from the pile of clean clothes on the chair.

‘Abbs, I need to wait for the bathroom to be free! Hold on!’ I tried to say through the various items of clothing she’d chucked at me and were currently covering my face.

‘Okay, okay, I’m done,’ Tim seemed breathless as he came out of the bathroom, like he’d been rushing. His hair was still sticking up, which made him look adorable.

‘Okay then, McMuffin, I’ll see you later,’ I got up from the bed and gave him a quick hug.

‘Okay then, Marsbar, I’ll pick you up from Gibbs’ at eight,’ he said hugging me. I pulled back slightly.

‘Marsbar? Huh, I like it,’ I smiled, and snuggled back into his warm shirt. It smelled of his aftershave.

‘Well, come on then, McGee! Tony needs you!’ Abby pulled him away. I pouted like a little girl.

‘You can see him later! Right now, you need to get dressed so we can help out Ziva!’ I groaned again. Fine. I shuffled into the bathroom and stepped into my black jeans, black tank top, boots, plaid shirt and pulled my hair into a ponytail after I’d showered. When I stepped out, Abby didn’t seem satisfied.

‘Uh, no. Come on, back in,’ she said as she pushed me into the bathroom. Turning on the light above the mirror, she pulled my bag of minimal make up out of the cupboard and starting looking through it.

‘You have no significant make up at all! Give me a second,’ she ran back out the bathroom and I could see her rummaging around in her own bag. Oh dear god, no.

‘Abby, I don’t need make up to go shopping. I promise if you let me go now, you can do it however you like tonight!’ I regretted that as soon as I said it. It’s not as if I don’t like Abby’s style, it’s just I have a very different one.

‘Fine, let’s go! I said we’d pick up Ziva in ten minutes,’ she told me.

‘Abbs, pretty please can we go in my car?’ I said.

‘Yeah su – Wait, you don’t have a car!’ she said, as I nodded my head impressively.

I dragged her downstairs after I locked up Tim’s apartment, and showed her the Mustang. Her mouth hit the floor, much like Tim’s did yesterday.

‘You bought this? How?!’ she seemed shocked as well.

‘I took out a loan, bought it off an old friend. Shall we go? You’ll have to direct me to Ziva’s’ I said, trying to act as casually as possible.

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