Chapter 17

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Lizzie POV

I woke up to the empty sofa bed. Rolling over, I picked up my phone and checked the time.


‘Oh my god! I’m late! I’m late! Gibbs is gonna kill me!’ I panicked. I never panic.

Yesterday’s events came flooding back to me.

Gibbs was my dad. My biological dad.

‘Tim? You there?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, I’m right out here,’ he called from his small kitchen.

As I padded through to the kitchen, I realised something.

Tim, I’m gonna give you hell for this.

‘Tim, why am I in my pyjamas?’ I left pyjamas at his place because I seemed to spend more time there than my own apartment.

For a second, Tim looked scared out of his mind, before smiling at me.

‘Lizzie, when we were nine, we went swimming in a lake only wearing our underwear, do you really think I mind? And I know you don’t,’ he smirked.

Damn him, he’s right. I actually don’t. I just wanted someone to be mad at, to take out what was happening, it’s how I deal with things.

That’s how I got into boxing; after Toby died.

‘Its fine, I just needed to let it out,’ I told him.

‘You remember yesterday?’ he asked.

I nodded, looking at my feet. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him again. He was warm and his shirt was soft, and I felt safe, like nothing was wrong.

‘Lizzie, we need to tell Gibbs at some point,’ he explained.

‘Why? He never knew me, it doesn’t matter,’ I told him.

‘Yes, it does. It’s gonna be awkward for you whenever you ever have to talk to him, do you really think he can never know?’ he said softly.

‘Hmph,’ I made the only sound I could when I have nothing to say back.

‘Lizzie come on. We go to work, go down to the gym, and you can show me those boxing skills you’re always talking about,’ he said.

Now that was tempting.

‘Can we drop by my apartment? I need to grab some clean clothes,’ I asked.

‘No need, I washed your stuff, and it’s dried,’ Tim said.

‘Coolio, let’s go,’ I said with a grin.


We’d gone into the locker rooms to get changed into regulation fitness clothes, so we could train.

I needed to get my strength back up, and Tim wanted to give me a hand.

‘So, show me what you’ve got,’ I heard him behind me, could hear the smirk in his voice.

‘Come on then,’ I said, dragging him into the training room.

I headed straight for the punch bags, grabbing my gloves.

I started kick boxing, and felt my muscles start to loosen, my forehead start to sweat. This was one of the only times I felt free, and I forgot about everything else.

I must have got carried away because Tim stopped me twenty minutes later.

‘Hey, Lizzie! I need to practice too!’ he fake complained.

‘Okay, wrestling?’ I suggested.

‘Fine with me,’ he agreed.

We headed to the middle of the mat and started with the most basic moves.

But Tim was more advanced than I thought.

He managed a pretty well executed ankle pick, and I was pinned.

But that feeling came back. The feeling that didn’t come between friends, and I had no idea where it came from.

Breathing heavily, from the boxing as well, I looked up at Tim, and gave him a soft smile.

Without thinking, with only my marine instincts, I tensed, and flipped, so I was straddling Tim’s legs.

It just had to be the same time that Tony, Ziva and Gibbs walked in.

‘Damn,’ we breathed simultaneously.

A/N: hey so tell me what you think pleeeaaase :) xx

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