A Study in Pink: Chapter 3

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When you entered through the door to 221B, you studied the place, taking it all in. There was a narrow hallway to your left and a stairwell that led up to what you assumed was the flat, 221B.

A small table was perched at the top of the steps that held two lamps emitting a dull light, that already reminded you of home. Although it wasn't the most spectacular place in the world, it's vibe brought back childhood memories... memories you'd like to think were happy... You weren't so sure. You could only connect the familiarity. Things that were familiar were easier to delve into their mystery, you had a sneaking suspicion Sherlock's flat would be something you'd easily be able to relate to. You knew it would help you figure out Sherlock a bit more, uncover more of what he tried to hide.

Just as you began to study the peeling wallpaper that scattered the walls, a elderly lady walked out from the hallway to your left. She was a small woman, but looked very considerate and honest. She had a head full of strawberry blonde hair that stuck up in short, lax curls around her face. Her eyes were bright. She was clearly a very headstrong but independent woman. You knew you would grow to be fond of her, whether you liked it or not. You also saw she had a lot of history behind her, but you thought it was best not to mention any of it directly to her.

"Oh, hello Sherlock." She smiled. Her bright eyes landed on you and her smile seemed to grow. "Who's this lovely young lady you've brought home with you?" Her eyes scanned over you and she seemed overjoyed to see Sherlock with a woman. From her statement alone, you knew this was probably the first time he'd ever brought a woman home. Thus, your deductions from earlier were backed up with more proof. Not that they needed to be.

Sherlock looked eager to make it up to his flat but said, "Mrs Hudson, this is Dr Y/N L/N. Y/N this is Mrs Hudson, my landlady." Sherlock gestured back and forth between the two of you as he rapidly spoke. You could tell he did like Mrs Hudson in a way, but nothing would get in the way of solving this case. Of course, that was clearly the way he thought about everything, not just her. Anything and everything. You could relate to that.

"Oh! It's so nice to meet you, dear." Mrs Hudson greeted. Sherlock started up the stairs two at a time and before you had the chance to follow him Mrs Hudson brought her hand in front of you. "It's nice to see Sherlock with a lady for a change... or any person at all." She chuckled at that. You were right about Sherlock being closed off to the world. "Don't let him scare you away, he can be a bit... challenging at times but, aren't we all?" She gave a laugh and you brought an awkward smile to your face, you had to repeat over and over not to open your mouth and let something slip. Saying nothing at all sounded like a good plan. You usually did that in attempts to not make others mad. You were never sure what could trigger their anger. She didn't seem like someone you wanted on your bad side. "Don't let me hold you back, go on." She urged you towards the stairs and after a couple seconds you nodded climbing the stairs, suitcase in your hands.

"So, you ensured her husband's execution?" You asked Sherlock as you entered his flat, looking around at the piles of papers and books scattered around. He wasn't the most tidy man in the world, but his set up told you he was usually busy with something, which you already knew was true. Whether it be a case, or, by the looks of his kitchen, experiments. Interesting experiments at that, your eyes scanned all of the beakers full of different liquids and chemicals. You wished you had time to experiment like that. But you'd been correct before, his flat did remind you of your lab, and slightly of your flat. You didn't get the time to experiment, but there sure was case files stacked everywhere, plus plenty of books. You called it your case solving chaos.

Sherlock had already removed his coat, blazer, and scarf and was now left in a pale blue button up shirt. He had found a place on his couch, laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. You placed the case down gently, to shimmy off your coat and throw it onto a nearby chair.

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