The Blind Banker: Chapter 1

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"You should really try and make Sherlock do the shopping sometime, John. He might benefit from it." You glanced back at John as you struggled on your tiptoes, attempting to grab one of the last items from off the top shelf. Once you successfully grabbed it, you tossed it into the trolley, then placed your hands on your hips looking to John who was browsing the shelves for something.

You had been exceedingly bored that morning since you'd gotten called off of work (due to having no troublesome cases) and had agreed to help John with some shopping. Mostly because Sherlock wouldn't dare to help him when he could possibly get a new case any minute. You'd leave in a seconds notice if you found out he'd gotten a case. You were kind of regretting the decision to come along with John. You'd just been so bored.

"You know him, he's too stubborn to do the shopping. Never has, probably never will." John replied, snatching an item from a shelf. He studied its package, placed it in the cart, then looked over the items. Once he finally looked satisfied he started to wheel the cart towards the checkout. You followed him, running through the list of things you needed when you realised you hadn't grabbed milk, since you'd just run out at your flat.

"Oh! John, I forgot something, I'll be right back." You told him before starting to hurry away.

"You!? Forgot something!?" John jokingly yelled at you.

"It's just an expression!" You glared at him over your shoulder before you turned a corner and he was out of sight. Yes, you'd totally blanked that you'd ran out of milk at your flat until now. It was very unlike you to skip over something like that last minute, considering you had a photographic memory, but sometimes you just got easily distracted from things. A lot was going on in your mind today.

You hurried away to get the milk, then ran back to John. He was already scanning the items at a self-checkout machine.

"Unexpected item in bagging area. Please try again." The machine stated loudly as you walked over to it, holding the milk in your hands. John looked confused, looking into the bagging area for something he may have missed. After he successfully figured out the problem, he slowly began trying to scan a head of cabbage. "Item not scanned. Please try again." You raised an eyebrow at John as he tried to scan the item again, a bit irritated. "Item not scanned." John looked around him, a bit embarrassed.

"Can you maybe keep your voice down?" John whispered harshly to the machine, scanning the item again, this time successfully.

"Sorry John, needed milk for my flat." You stated, handing it over to him. He finished scanning the items then swiped his card to pay, while you stood watching him. He tried typing in his PIN number, then stood back to wait for it to go through.

"Having trouble?" You asked, studying him with a raised brow. He waved an irritated hand at you, not answering your question. You thought he probably didn't want your help so you stayed out of it.

"Card not authorised. Please use alternative methods of payment." The machine stated very loudly. The people in line behind you groaned, they knew this was probably going to take awhile. John seemed to look even more embarrassed as he glanced apologetically at you. He felt as if he was embarrassing you, but you didn't mind. Negative attention was not foreign in your mind and it didn't really faze you anyway. Nothing could. John immediately went to his pockets, digging around for spare change.

"Yes, okay! I've got it!" John exclaimed to the machine, still searching his pockets.

"You guys know there's more than one self-check out, right?" You questioned, turning to the irritated people around you. At this, some of them seemed more noticeably upset. That hadn't been the right thing to say in the moment. "Right." You turned around, paying them no attention now.

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