His Last Vow: Chapter 5

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"Wait, so why would Mary go to all that trouble to get to Magnussen? What do you think he has on her?" You questioned Sherlock as you helped him pull on his shirt. He was already in extreme pain and you still thought this was all a terrible idea, but Sherlock was persistent. There was no getting him off of something once his mind was dead set on it. And he was set on helping Mary.

"Something bad if she didn't come to us first. She obviously has many secrets." Sherlock squeezed his eyes shut in a grimace and you frowned, finishing up the last few buttons on his shirt. You smoothed out his shirt, feeling uneasy as you looked down at his hands.

"Sherlock, I really don't have a good feeling about this." You told him. He ignored your comment as he got to his feet and slowly walked past you towards the living room. You huffed, picking up his jacket as you followed after him. He knew you were referring to him, not being monitored in a hospital, but he didn't care. He had to fix this all himself. Of course he did, he was Sherlock.

"They'll eventually come back here, might as well leave John a hint." Sherlock pulled a bottle of Claire-de-la-lune from off his desk.

"Where did you-? You know what, I don't even want to know." Shaking your head slightly at Sherlock as you put John's chair back as instructed and set up the perfume bottle where he'd find it. It would be the first hit so you it wouldn't be as extreme of a hit when Mary told him herself.

"Now what?" You sighed, your energy conserve running pretty low at this point. You couldn't imagine how Sherlock felt without his morphine.

"We go where only Mary would bother looking, get John there before she arrives, and get her to confess." Sherlock told you. He acted as if it was going to be an easy task. If Mary was some sort of ex intelligence spy like you and Sherlock suspected, you'd have to be careful about how you went about this. She couldn't know you were actually getting her to confess to John, that's the last thing you were sure she wanted to happen.

"And where's that?" You questioned. Sherlock shot you a look, as if asking if that was a serious question. "Leinster Gardens, right." You confirmed after he gave you a proper nod.


Upon setting up Sherlock's master plan at 23 and 24 Leinster Gardens, Sherlock gave John a call. You were sure by now he had seen his chair was back in it's spot and the perfume sat directly next to it. It had been a few hours since you helped Sherlock make his escape.

John arrived minutes after you called and you began to help set up. The point was to make Mary believe John was Sherlock, that way she'd confess everything to John and the truth would be out in the open, then you and Sherlock could help with whatever Magnussen had against her. You were pretty upset she hadn't come to you in the first place, but you knew she must have her reasons... either way she was your client now whether she liked it or not.

"Don't." John snapped at you as you tried to explain to him the situation. He was beyond pissed. He likely already knew what was going on by you asking him here. You wanted to say something to make him feel better, but you knew there was nothing you could do. Mary was a liar, she'd fooled you all. John didn't deserve that... he didn't. You nodded at him, not taking any offense to his anger. You'd let him take it all out on you, if that meant he felt even the slightest bit less betrayed by his wife, his pregnant wife at that.

"Right." You nodded as you took a step back after adjusting the prop IV bag. John was sitting in a wheelchair, and he'd popped the collar up on his jacket as well as frizzled up his hair. With the lights dimmed, to Mary, he'd appear to be Sherlock.

The plan was simple. Mary would talk to the people no one else would bother with, that's how she would find you. And once she made it here, Bill was set up outside to give her a phone and earpiece so Sherlock could communicate with her. Your job was to make sure Sherlock was doing okay long enough before you could get him straight back to the hospital. You sure as hell weren't letting him stay home all night after he'd almost died, well technically he had died. Either way, he was going back to the hospital one way or another.

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