A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 12

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You awoke that morning, quickly remembering the night before. Sherlock had kissed you. He had more than just simply kissed you. You'd done a lot of things last night... Confusion set over you as you sat up, yawning. Questions invaded your mind as to what Sherlock had meant by everything that happened. Did he like you in a romantic way? Was he messing with you? He wouldn't do that, would he? Emotions were so confusing. You were sure Sherlock had the intentions of doing it because he liked you, no one did stuff like that unless they wanted to be involved with you romantically. You scolded yourself for thinking he would do something like that just because he wanted to. He wouldn't. He would never do that to you.

Sherlock was still fast asleep beside you and you were careful not to disturb him, he needed the sleep. You slipped out of bed, scanning the room for clothes. You finally gave up, just reaching to grab one of Sherlock's dressing gowns as you snuck off to the kitchen. You put tea on the kettle, yawning as you waited. You hummed softly as you scanned through the cabinets, they were all practically empty. Looks like John needed to get some shopping done today.

Once your tea was ready you sat back against the counter, sipping it tiredly. When you heard footsteps coming from John's room you panicked, placing your tea down as you ran towards your flat. You hurriedly pulled on some night clothes, before you wrapped your own dressing gown around yourself, taking a long breath. That was a close one. You moseyed back up to the flat to see John sat in his chair in the living room, reading a newspaper. He looked over it at you, a questioning look on his face.

"Breakfast?" You questioned, walking into the kitchen to make more tea for John.

"What're you doing up here this early?" He questioned. You glanced back at him, putting the water to boil on the kettle.

"Hmm?" You pretended to be clueless as you walked towards the fridge, opening its doors. You pushed aside a bag of thumbs, grabbing the last of the eggs and a roll of sausage.

"You're never up here this early unless you spend the night." John told you as you were grabbing pots and heating the stove.

"I woke up early today." You said, hoping he wouldn't push any further. He could feel him staring at you as made your way around the kitchen. The kettle went off and you hurried towards it pouring John a cup of tea and making it just how he liked. No sugar.

"Thanks." He took it, as you went back into the kitchen, continuing to cook. You could still feel him watching you, but you decided to ignore it, continuing with what you were doing. After a considerable amount of time of John continuing to sneak glances at you you finally turned towards him with an annoyed look.

"What?" You asked, looking at him as you continued to cook.

"Nothing, nothing." He shook his head, returning to his paper. You placed a hand on your hip, knowing he was going to push this conversation further. "You came up here last night, didn't you?" You looked at him with wide eyes before you quickly returned your face to normal.

"Why would you think that?" You tried, turning back towards the stove. This wasn't going to be a fun time was it?

"I heard someone come upstairs, figured it was you. I was up for a bit after that, and I never heard you leave. Care to explain?" John's words left his mouth smoothly and confidently.

You looked into the pan of over easy eggs you were cooking, not saying a word as you flipped one to the other side. "How do you like your eggs cooked?" You changed the subject, searching the cabinets in hopes of finding some bread for toast. Luckily, there was just enough left for the three of you. You pulled it down, sitting it aside to toast shortly.

"Scrambled. You changed the subject." He quickly added, raising his eyebrows at you. You pressed your lips together, turning away from him as you tended to your egg, scraping it on a plate to work on scrambled eggs.

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