The Reichenbach Fall: The End

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"So where are we going?" You breathed, jogging alongside Sherlock. You would've taken a cab, but it was too risky. The two of your faces had to be everywhere at this point.

"Call Dr. McClendon. It's time for the plan, the final plan." He didn't look over at you as you continued to run.

You immediately pulled out your phone, dialing Mark's number. "Hey, Y/n, what's up?" He questioned.

"Mark, need your help, meet us at Bart's, lab number 3. Forensic floor." You breathed heavily into the phone.

"Is everything okay?" He sounded worried.

"It will be, just hurry!"

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in 5." You hung up, tucking your phone away as you continued to sprint down the road.

When you finally made it to Bart's you slowed to a walk. When you and Sherlock entered you were both out of breath.

"Molly will still be here." You spoke, heading to the stairs. Too many people on the elevators.

When you made it to the hallway with all the labs, you saw that lab three's lights were on. You knew Molly would still be there.

You pushed through the doors, Sherlock trailing behind. When Molly looked at your faces, her eyebrows creased in worry.

"Say here a moment." Sherlock told her before pulling you back into the hall.

He studied you a long time before he spoke. "Are you completely sure about this?" He asked, his hands resting on your shoulders.

"Of course I am. Are you saying you'll let me help?" You looked up at him with big eyes.

"I don't like it, not at all. But you basically convicted yourself. That will drown Kitty's articles, at least the part about you being the victim. Plus, I'll need you to help me destroy Moriarty's web. It could be dangerous. There's a possibility we could die." He studied you intently for any nervousness. He wouldn't find any. You prepared yourself for this for two months. You were ready for whatever it would take to win.

"I'm with you all the way." You told him with confidence. Sherlock nodded, pulling you back into the lab.


You, Sherlock, Molly, as well as Mark started planning for hours on end. You were all exhausted, but pleased with the work you'd gotten done. The plan was practically perfect, if it all went the way you wanted it to. There were definitely a few risks, but the probability of success was looking rather good. You don't think you could increase it anymore even if you tried. It was scary and definitely dangerous, but it was what needed to be done.

"You guys go home, get rest." You told Mark and Molly.

"What about you guys?" Mark questioned, looking between you and Sherlock.

"We have more to do, you need rest if the plan is going to run smoothly." Sherlock told them sternly. They nodded, not arguing as they left the building.

"John?" You questioned. Sherlock nodded, sending him a message.

Not long later, John paced quickly through the lab's doors. He spied you and Sherlock both sat on the lab's floor, you were tilted over halfway asleep on Sherlock's shoulder, but he was wide awake, bouncing a ball against the lab's cabinets and catching it.

"Got your message." You jumped awake, looking at John as he approached you and Sherlock. You had no idea how you'd even come close to sleeping with everything that was running through your mind, but you were glad to even get a little rest. Sherlock caught his ball, staring straight ahead as he spoke.

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