His Last Vow: Chapter 1

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"I'm worried, Y/n. You missing...? What happened? If you don't call back soon... Please answer your phone."

"I noticed you were declining my calls now... at least I know you're alive, right? Me and Mary miss you... please give us a sign you're okay."

"It's been a month, Y/n. I'm really starting to think you actually died. So, please call... I don't want you to be dead."

You sighed listening to some of John's voice messages he left you the past couple weeks. Ever since the wedding you'd been getting non-stop calls from Mary, Molly, and John. Especially John, though. He always did worry too much. They speculated something was up after you'd lost all contact with them, and you were sure they knew by now you weren't seeing Sherlock anymore.

You had been getting slightly better the past month, but you had buried yourself in work. You'd been spending hours at Bart's, trying your best to avoid Molly so you wouldn't have to talk about it. You had also partially moved out of 221B Baker Street, most of your things were now at your new shared flat, but you couldn't bring yourself to collect the last few things that were held in 221B. You knew if you did, that would mean the breakup was real and that Sherlock had really done this to you. You felt stupid for hoping...

That was the hardest part. Getting over Sherlock. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't hate him. You loved him too much for that. Even though he did an awful thing and basically ripped your heart out, you still loved him, it was just shoved somewhere deep down- you tried to think it was.

Your mind kept circling back to Sherlock asking you to keep your promises close... you weren't sure what he'd meant, but he had looked so upset, so sincere when he told you he thought you should break up. Before he'd done it... he looked so sad. It didn't sit right with you. You had yet to even open his letter, you were nervous to read it. You didn't want to. You weren't at that point yet. You weren't sure if you could ever stop loving Sherlock and that's what scared you the most of all. It was one of the reasons you couldn't bring yourself to read the letter. That's why you tried to conceal it, maybe if you tried to see someone else you could get over Sherlock. You sure had tried. It worked... in its own ways.

Suddenly your phone buzzed and you looked down to see it was John calling. You declined it, running a hand down your face as you rolled out of bed to make yourself a cup of morning tea.

As the tea was brewing you decided you'd go ahead and listen to John's voice message. You never answered his calls, but you always listened to the voice messages, just to know he still cared. You called your voicemail putting it on speaker as you sat your phone down on the kitchen counter.

"Y/n... it's me again. Listen I'm going to keep it short because I don't even know if you'll come, but Sherlock's been doing drugs. I need your help, please call me back." You furrowed your eyebrows at this information and immediately dialed John's number.

"Hello?" John asked desperately. "Y/n is that you?!"

"Hey, John." You smiled, rubbing your cold arms.

"Thank god, you're okay. Listen I need your help. I just found Sherlock and he's out of his wits, Y/n." John paused before continuing. "Yes, Sherlock, you are. No, shut up." You heard Sherlock's voice arguing with John in the background and John sighed into the phone. "He's been doing drugs, like I told you in my message, but he says it's for a case. We're stopping by Barts- he needs to take a drug test. I know something happened between the two of you but I really need your help." You bit your lip, pulling your legs up to your chest as you took a seat at the kitchen table. You could still hear Sherlock arguing in the background and John just ignoring his harsh sounding words.

"We'll be there in five." You sighed, hanging up. You bit your lip, this was a bad idea.

"Who was that?" Mark rounded the corner into the kitchen as he poured himself some of the newly brewed tea. He took a long sip before approaching you to kiss your temple. You smiled slightly, taking a sip from your own cup. You sat in silence for a moment, and Mark gazed over at you in question.

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