A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 15

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"I know what this means." Sherlock said after a while of silence. You glanced over at him, humming at him in question. "When you asked earlier, the passenger jet has a bomb. The British and American governments know about it, but rather than expose the source of that information they're going to let it happen. The plane will blow up. Coventry all over again. The wheel turns. Nothing is ever new." He said that mostly to the driver, who didn't respond but kept driving in silence.

"Yes, but there's more." You tried to explain but the car came to a stop- you had arrived at your destination. You stepped out of the car after Sherlock, seeing you were on a private strip of the airport where the jet was parked out in the open. The American agent stood at its entrance, his hands crossed over one another. You seemed to be meeting him too much lately. He looked beaten up and bruised, and sure pissed to see you and Sherlock here.

Sherlock confidently strode towards the plane as you followed behind, annoyed at him for being so blind. You knew what was about to happen, but you weren't sure Sherlock was ready for it. He thought he knew absolutely everything.

"Well, you're lookin' all better. How ya' feelin'?" Sherlock asked, imitating an American accent as he stopped in front of the small ladder leading into the plane. You stood behind him, giving the agent a death glare.

"Like putting a bullet in your brain... sir." He said with a very forced tone and an expression ready to kill. Sherlock silently shook his shoulders at that and went up the steps. "They'd pin a medal on me if I did... sir." Sherlock stopped a moment to look at him. Sherlock shook it off, turning to head back towards the plane. You watched Sherlock go with your eyes then grabbed the collar of the agent's shirt as soon Sherlock passed through the plane's entrance. You pulled him close to your eye level whispering intensely in his face.

"Don't speak to him that way. You're the scum of the Earth, you know that? Thinking you can push us all around? They'd give me a medal for offing you, sir. And I'd wear it proudly." You shoved past him, heading up the stairs with your head held high. You didn't even turn to give him a second look.

You pushed away a curtain as you entered the plane's cabin and saw rows beyond rows of bodies. Dead bodies. You grimly looked around seeing every seat was filled with a body. All these people... You walked down the rows, your hand trailing along the arm rest. Sherlock stood ahead of you, silent. You looked up at him and his eyes searched yours in shock, trying to piece together what had happened here.

"The Coventry conundrum." You looked past Sherlock to see Mycroft emerging from a curtain at the back of the cabin. Sherlock swiveled around to see his brother walking down the aisle towards the two of you. "What do you think of my solution?" Sherlock took a spin, his eyes taking in all the bodies once again. You stood in silence behind him, not wanting to drop his mood anymore than it already had. "The flight of the dead."

"The plane blows up mid-air. Mission accomplished for the terrorists. Hundreds of casualties, but nobody dies." Sherlock quickly realized as he looked out at his brother. You instantly regretted everything you had done, looking at Mycroft's face, you'd failed. If only you had realized sooner that Irene... you sighed, shaking your head at yourself. You should've shut Sherlock up back at the flat when you had the chance. That gut feeling you'd had, you were right the whole time. This would be a lesson to Sherlock, one he would remember. Hopefully after this he would actually listen to you.

"Neat, don't you think?" Mycroft asked with an empty expression. Sherlock gave a half shrug, eyes again scanning the bodies. "You've been stumbling round the fringes of this one for ages – or were you too bored to notice the pattern?" Your mind flashed back to all of Sherlock's rejected cases he had talked to you about. A little girl who'd come asking why she didn't get to see her grandfather when he'd died. A man claiming he knew real human ash... they weren't lying. It had all been for this project. Now that you hadn't seen coming. You looked up at Sherlock wide eyed, knowing he was slowly realizing the same thing you were. "We ran a similar project with the Germans a while back, though I believe one of our passengers didn't make the flight." You almost stumbled back as everything started building up. Your mind went back to an unsolved case of Sherlock's... John had written about it. A man was found dead in the boot of a car by the airport. It was all connected. "But that's the deceased for you – late, in every sense of the word." Mycroft made his way closer. You were ready for the truth to be revealed, everything to come out in the open for Sherlock to see.

"How's the plane going to fly? Of course: unmanned aircraft. Hardly new." Sherlock answered his own question, thinking the whole plan was brilliant.

"Sherlock, the plane doesn't fly. It's never going to." You finally let out, wiping a hand down your face in stress. "I tried to tell you, but-"

"The entire project is cancelled. The terrorist cells have been informed that we know about the bomb. We can't fool them now. We've lost everything. One fragment of one email, and months and years of planning finished." Mycroft spoke, his voice calm but angry. You looked at Sherlock, seeing if he had caught on yet. Apparently not.

"Your MOD man." Sherlock nodded, letting Mycroft continue.

"That's all it takes: one lonely naïve man desperate to show off, and a woman clever enough to make him feel special." Mycroft told him.

"Hmm. You should screen your defense people more carefully." Sherlock told him with confidence.

"God, Sherlock! He's not talking about the MOD man. It's you Sherlock! It was you! I knew I should've stopped you when I tried, but I was stupid. I had the feeling and I didn't follow through... but after I got this plane ticket, I knew I'd been right the whole time." You bowed your head at Sherlock's confused look. He genuinely had no idea what was going on. You sighed deeply, looking to Mycroft to take it away.

"The damsel in distress." Mycroft gave Sherlock a sad smile and your heart ached. "In the end, are you really so obvious? Because this was textbook: the promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption; then give him a puzzle... and watch him dance." Mycroft whispered as he looked at the end of his umbrella as he slowly spun it in the air. Sherlock looked shocked, he gazed at you for help but you were too hurt. You'd been the naïve one to let Sherlock fool you... to let Irene fool you.

"Don't be absurd." Sherlock looked like he wanted to laugh, for you to tell him it was all a big joke. You pressed your fingers to your lips as you shook your head to turn away from him. You didn't want him to see how upset you were. How disappointed you were.

"Absurd? How quickly did you decipher that email for her? Was it the full minute, or were you really eager to impress?" Mycroft asked, looking deep into Sherlock's eyes.

"I think it was less than 5 seconds." You turned to see Irene and you avoided her intense stare as she strutted down the aisle. She really had taken her time getting ready, perfectly dressed, hair curled with not one hair out of place and her signature red lipstick. "Y/n solved it immediately, but she tried to stop him. I thought she'd realized it, but I guess she's not as good as we all thought." She grinned at you and you shook your head, backing away from her and closer to Sherlock. Sherlock was in a state of shock as he looked at Irene who was slowly approaching.

"I drove her into your path. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Mycroft told Sherlock somberly as he gazed at the ground. Sherlock's brain seemed to be cranking overtime as he looked back over Irene, his mind blank. You felt bad, but you were kind of mad... he had told you he didn't care for Irene, that was an obvious lie at this point.

"Mr. Holmes, I think we need to talk." Irene smiled and you took another step back, pressing your back to Sherlock's shoulder as you glared at her, almost in a protective stance in front of him. He may have pissed you off, but you'd go down fighting for the man.

"So do I. There are a number of aspects I'm still not quite clear on." Sherlock told her, his hand on your shoulder ready to push past you.

"Not you, Junior. You're done now." She pushed past the both of you and Sherlock's eyes followed her as she marched up to Mycroft pulling her stupid little phone out of her pocket waving it to show Mycroft. "There's more... loads more. On this phone I've got secrets, pictures and scandals that could topple your whole world. You have no idea how much havoc I can cause and exactly one way to stop me – unless you want to tell your masters that your biggest security leak is your own little brother." Mycroft looked away from her, an ashamed look morphing onto his face. You shook your head, feeling like this mess was all your fault.

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