The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 1

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"Sherlock!" A laugh escaped your throat as the third cab denied to give you and Sherlock a ride.

"What?" He looked back at you, gripping his rather large harpoon gun tighter in his blood soaked hands. Well, his blood soaked everything. You were both drenched in blood from head to toe. It wasn't human blood. Bypasseers, however, didn't know that.

"Maybe we should take the tube. That last guy might've called the police." You let another giggle escape your throat then you and Sherlock were laughing like idiots on the side of the road. High on the thrill of another successful case. You attracted a lot of unwanted attention as people gave you weird and concerned looks. None of them daring to step too close in your path.

"Right." Sherlock agreed, already getting antsy from having finished this case. You knew he'd need another one and soon before he lost his nerve. You see, Sherlock had been dead set on giving up cigarettes and he'd been doing better than ever. Not even caving to any stray cigarettes like he'd done in the past. He'd even done good not abusing his nicotine patches. The downside to that however, he needed distractions 24/7, if not he really started to spiral.

Going through the tube was no easy task. All attention was on you as people steered from your path on the way back to Baker Street. You even managed to catch a few people taking pictures of the pair of you. You didn't mind, it was natural for humans to want to barge into other people's business. They did it all of the time because they had to ask instead of seeing it like you and Sherlock could.

"God, I wish you could've seen the look on your face when the blood just-" You shushed Sherlock when an old lady gave the two of you a wide eyed look. You giggled locking eyes with Sherlock as he gave you a look. The one where he slightly tilted his head, looking down at you with his big blue eyes. A look that truly saw you for who you were. You had to break your urge to kiss him in public.

It was hard to refrain from showing your likeliness to Sherlock in front of friends and family and just people in general. Mycroft must've caught on by now, but you were waiting to tell all your friends. You just weren't sure what it all meant yet. That's why you kept it to yourselves.

"Y/n." Sherlock pouted sticking out his bottom lip. God, you had to be the only person in the world to ever see Sherlock like this. Childish and goofy. You felt like the luckiest girl on Earth.

"You're covered in pig's blood!" You protested, pushing away his sticky hands. "I'm not kissing you until you've had a long shower." You told him. He pouted again, trying to grab a hold of your hands. He didn't seem to care about all the people at the moment. You finally broke in letting him take your hand for just a moment before you reached your stop. You exited the train, hurrying towards the street to walk the rest of the way back to the flat with strangers stares following the two of you the whole way there.

When Sherlock finally realized that you weren't going to cave to his pleads he hurried in front of you towards the flat. Probably wanting to take a shower now. You had plans to take one as soon as possible, you had pigs blood in places it shouldn't be.

When you marched through the flats doors, Sherlock took a deep breath scanning the flat. John was sat casually in his chair reading something. He looked up, not too surprised at the two of you in your current state.

"That was tedious." Sherlock told him, walking into the flat, not bothering to set the harpoon gun down as he went.

"You're telling me!" You agreed, no doubt smearing blood across your face to itch your nose. Most of it was dry by now, which felt a lot better than the wet and thick blood it was before it had dried. Still not comfortable though. John shook his head at the two of you. He looked confused? Disappointed? This was your new game these days, trying to read people's emotions accurately. It might help you understand your own a bit more.

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