His Last Vow: Chapter 4

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Each second that you spent without an update on Sherlock felt like an eternity. You paced up and down the halls of the small waiting room you'd been told to wait in. It had been hours and still no nurse, doctor, or anyone from the hospital staff had come to update you. You knew that was both good news and bad news. Good news because each second they didn't round that hall together, Sherlock was still alive, but bad news because that meant his condition still wasn't stable. They needed all hands on deck.

"Y/n..." John looked at you as you rounded back towards him, your gaze on the floor. You looked up at him teary eyed, seeing he was giving you a worried look. He stood making his way over to you. "Why don't you go wash up." He gestured to your hands that were still coated with Sherlock's blood. You looked down at them, more tears returning to your eyes. You nodded, making your way towards the bathroom.

As you watched the blood filter down the drain you began to cry, not able to hold it in. Sherlock lying on the floor, blood steadily leaving his wound came back to your mind. It was your fault, you had let him go off to the left and go into that room. You should be the one in surgery, not him. After you partially got yourself together, you returned to John, who patted the seat next to him. You reluctantly sat, wiping your hand across your face.

"It's not your fault." John told you. You shook your head turning away from him as he spoke. "It's not your fault and don't sit here blaming yourself. Sherlock is going to be okay."

"I let him go to the left. I let him-"

"Stop it. Stop it right now. You had no control over what happened, okay? Now how about we go get you a guest room so you can get some sleep?" John questioned. You shook your head at that. You wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about Sherlock back in that operating room. You couldn't be there to help him, so sleeping wasn't a consideration at this point. John sighed, looking down at you. "Okay, then I'm getting some rest. Let me know if you need anything." John placed his hand over yours, squeezing it before he walked away. You couldn't fathom how he could even think of getting any sleep. It was beyond you.

After he left, you got back up, continuing your pacing for who knows how long. You finally took a seat in one of the chairs after your legs were physically about to collapse. You buried your face into your hands, anxiety tearing through your body. You didn't know what you'd do if you couldn't apologize to Sherlock once more, to tell him how much you cared about him, and forgive him for all the stupid things he'd done. You needed him to know that you forgave him. You were still upset he hadn't talked to you but now that this situation had arisen you couldn't be mad at him. He was right about you not being able to act like you weren't a couple around Janine. She would've found out. And you were sure if you made another plan you wouldn't have been able to do it fast enough. You saw that it'd been basically the only option Sherlock had.

"Dr Y/l/n?" You stood as you saw a man in scrubs approaching you as he pulled off his scrub cap. He must be one of the doctors that operated on Sherlock. You scanned him quickly, sighing in relief when you saw he didn't bear bad news. Sherlock was still alive. "It was a long battle, but we finally got him stable. If that bullet was just a millimeter lower, he would've died." You looked at the surgeon, thankful for what he'd done, but did he really have to tell you how close Sherlock had been to dying? You brushed it off, just thankful Sherlock was alive.

"Thank you. Is it alright if I go back to his room?" You questioned, looking down the hallway from where the surgeon had come.

"Of course, but there's a few things you'll need to know." He told you as he began leading you down the hall.

What you learned from the surgeon was Sherlock had coded during surgery. His heart had stopped and they spent forever trying to restart the mechanical process of Sherlock's heart before they finally started to give up, all their efforts weren't working. But then, just as they were giving up, Sherlock's heart started beating on it's own. A miracle the surgeon said. They finished repairing his internal injuries and stopped the bleeding. It was a long and very tricky surgery, but they'd done it. Sherlock had defied all odds. He'd fought for his life.

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