The Lying Detective: Chapter 1

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"Hey, mom! We're out of milk again." You sighed as you looked into your parent's practically empty fridge. "And almost everything else..." You whispered under your breath as you closed the doors, softly. You were starving, and wanted to cook something before you starved to death but the empty fridge and cabinets said otherwise.

"Oh, want to run to the store for us, dear?!" Your mom yelled back from the other room. You leaned against the countertop with a frown as you placed both hands on your growing belly. You didn't reply but grabbed your keys, already having a list of what they needed in your head. Anything to get out of the house. You left without a goodbye to your parents as you drove to the local market to do the shopping. It wasn't going to do itself, besides now you'd get to pick whatever you wanted to eat, which was great.

You'd been staying with your parents for weeks now and it was proving to be absolutely tiring. More so than you remembered it being. You loved them dearly, but you wanted more than anything to return to 221B to spend time with Sherlock, especially after everything that had happened in the past couple months. You knew you couldn't though, it was 'all part of the plan'. Of Sherlock's plan anyway. When Mary asked him to save John, things suddenly became more serious at the flat.

The day Sherlock had asked you to stay with your parents for a few weeks, or even months was like a reoccurring nightmare, except you were living it. It was hard not having him around all the time, it seemed like there was never anything to do now. Except play board games with your parents or fall asleep to them watching the news, but that didn't count. That was boring. It was appearing to be even harder with a baby on the way, you went to appointments alone and dealt with all the new symptoms as they came. You knew Sherlock was upset he was missing it, but it was for your own wellbeing. You couldn't watch him destroy himself just to fix John. You couldn't. So, that meant no visiting... no talking, and absolutely no communication whatsoever until Sherlock got John's attention- showed him that he really needed his help. Sherlock knew exactly how long it was going to take, which made you feel more at ease. Any day now this week you'd get a call from John. You hoped you got that call in the next day or two because if you had to listen to your parents on karaoke night one more time, your brain might actually implode with how normal they were. You missed Sherlock. So much so, you practically cried yourself to sleep almost every night.

The trip to the store was boring as usual, not talking to anyone but the occasional person that asked when your due date was or if you needed help with anything. That was an annoying part of being pregnant. Ever since you started to show people looked at you like at any second you might pop and you needed help with literally everything, even when you were 20 weeks pregnant and only had a tiny bump. Now, unfortunately you had just started your third trimester and were 28 weeks pregnant. You were honestly looking forward to not having to lug around such a huge weight anymore. Plus you were thrilled (and terrified) to meet your kid. So, being pregnant meant more human interaction, but on the bright side you didn't have to do as much because everyone was willing to do it for you.

You arrived back to your childhood home with the groceries and your parents thankfully helped you restock everything. Since it was getting late, and you were exhausted just from your little trip to the store you ate then immediately went off to bed...

"Y/n, I told you I would be truthful, and not leave you out of things." Sherlock suddenly brought this up as you both lay in bed, silently. You turned over your shoulder to look at him, eyebrows furrowed at what he was getting at.

"Right." You nodded, a gesture that told him to continue on.

"And... I think that you might have to leave... just for a few weeks." He said this quickly, not wanting to upset you. You didn't become upset, but heard him out. He must have a valid reason for wanting this. "Mary's video, to save John, I have to go places that you should never see me go. I'll have to do things you shouldn't have to see me do. I think after... everything that's happened, you shouldn't have to live through more of this. So, I talked to your parents already and they're happy to have you stay with them until this is all over. I just, I want what's best for you and the baby."

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