The Reichenbach Fall: Chapter 7

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Sherlock immediately got to work in the lab, not even stopping to tell you what was going on. He was clearly stressed about something. He'd mentioned kidnapped children so it was obviously of great importance and time meant everything. You'd have to hurry with this one. You didn't hesitate to help Molly start prepping the lab for him. You needed to work fast to help figure out where these kids were. Their chance of survival dramatically dropped within the first hour they were taken.

"Molly, you get the books I'll head for the supplies." You directed her, going to the cabinets to pull out different beakers, pipettes, and chemicals you assumed Sherlock might need. You knew he was trying to identify different substances, so he'd need quite a few different things to aid him. You started sitting them out as Molly pushed through the door with a stack of books all the way up to her chin. She stumbled, placing them down next to Sherlock as he worked. He didn't even give her a glance as he grabbed a book from the top of the stack and flipped it open to look through it.

You turned to John with a curious look as he started filling you in on what had just happened and how he and Sherlock ended up at Barts. What you learned was that Lestrade and Sally had come to 221B because the U.S. ambassador specifically requested Sherlock on this kidnapping case.

There was a young boy and girl that had disappeared in the middle of the night from their boarding school in Surrey. The ambassador was their father. When Sherlock and John got to the school, Sherlock discovered the younger boy set a trail of the kidnappers and their footprints using Linseed oil. Sherlock had gathered samples of the intruders footprint and they'd come to identify the substances on the bottom of the shoe. It appeared to you, as well as Sherlock that the substances on this shoe would lead you to Moriarty. It was all part of his plan... but it still wasn't quite coming together for you. Maybe if you found Moriarty, you could learn more before his plan came into play.

You sat in the lab awhile, watching as Sherlock mixed things in a petri dish, looking for different chemical reactions. Molly helped him as needed so he wouldn't have to stop identifying something before he moved on to the next one. It seemed to be going well, but the process couldn't be rushed. You wished it would go faster with these kids' lives at stake. Plus, you were one step behind Moriarty and that wasn't a good thing.

"Well, it looks like Molly has got this handled. I'll be in my office." You told the three of them as you stood to leave the room.

"I hope you'll be sleeping." Sherlock spoke, not looking up from his microscope. You looked at him, the faintest of smiles forming on your face.

"If you say so." You spoke in a lighthearted tone as you studied Sherlock working. You waved goodbye to John and Molly before heading out.

For the sake of your health, you did take a nap, refreshing your mind a little. You couldn't think properly when you hadn't slept in over 24 hours. You kept it short, just to leave you enough time to still look more into what you knew.

You yawned, pushing yourself off the love seat as you checked the time. You'd gotten a good hour of sleep in. It was good enough until you debunked Moriarty's plan. You wouldn't be getting much sleep until you figured out his intentions.

You sat in your chair as you stared up at your clippings plastered on the wall again. Four trained assassins... 'I O U'... You leaned back in thought as you looked at the evidence. But your mind kept looping back to the article Mycroft had shown you, there was just something about it that really bothered you. The name, 'Richard Brook' something about it seemed familiar. If you had seen it before, you would know, but you hadn't. Richard Brook... who are you? You thought, thinking over the article's words. Extensive knowledge of your and Sherlock's lives... you didn't have childhood friends and you didn't know a Richard Brook or a Kitty Riley. So where did she get her information? You turned to your computer typing in Kitty's name, pulling up a picture of her from her other articles. You'd seen her at the courthouse when Sherlock was a witness! Did Sherlock know her? You stood, hurrying to the lab to see Sherlock still working, Molly now nowhere to be seen.

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