A Study in Pink: Chapter 8

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Once you made it outside, you pulled your hand from Sherlock's and John emerged from the restaurant behind you. All of you quickly pulled on your coats as you watched the taxi closely. You could see the back of a man's head who still sat in the car, his head trained towards the building, 22 Northumberland street. He turned around, glancing briefly at the three of you. After he saw you, the taxi started to pull away from the kerb.

"No!" You shouted, darting towards the busy road without thinking. Your only thought was on catching the killer. Sherlock's hand yanked you back as a car flew past, it's horn blaring. You spun from Sherlock's hard pull, tripping over the kerb. You latched onto Sherlock's jacket, hands gripping tightly to the fabric on his chest to balance yourself. You looked up at Sherlock's face that was inches from yours, his calculating eyes studying yours. He slightly raised his eyebrows at you and you knew he was most likely judging your stupidity of not checking the road first.

After a moment, you pushed away and brushed off your coat, seeing a grin on John's face. You didn't speak on your stupidity or the look on John's face.

Before you continued this time, you checked the road before running across the street towards the taxi. You all made a mad sprint towards the taxi, but it was too late. It was getting away and there was no way you could catch up if you just ran straight after it.

"I've got the cab number!" John yelled as you all suddenly came to a stop.

"We don't need it." Sherlock told John as he stopped, closing his eyes to think. You knew what he was doing.

"Sherlock already got it, now this way!" You yelled dashing to the pavement, pushing a man aside as you ran into his flat complex. He yelled vulgar words towards the three of you as you all ran into the building. You didn't pay him any attention.

"Sorry!" John yelled, hurrying after you.

You all made a mad dash up not one, but two staircases in order to reach the top of a small building. Then on the other side of the building, you climbed down yet another staircase that led to a different area atop the building. You leaped and dogged any barriers in your way as you sprinted. You jumped across one roof to another, all your focus on catching this taxi. It was a good thing the buildings were clustered in London, making it easier to jump over the small gaps.

You climbed down a final staircase that led you back in an alleyway, you ran down it, glancing behind you to make sure everyone was still following. As you sprinted down the alleyway, you took a few turns, you should hopefully be meeting the taxi here. As you ran, a taxi flew by. The taxi. You groaned, yelling for them to follow you around yet another diversion. The three of you dashed madly, desperate to catch the taxi.

You ran as fast as you could, down the high street, glancing back at the two of them again to make sure they were still behind you. Seeing they were, you turned down yet another alleyway and emerged just in time to jump in front of the taxi. This time you'd meant to jump in front of a moving vehicle, you knew it wouldn't hit you. It squealed to a stop, and you nodded Sherlock towards the door, where he quickly ran and yanked the door open.

"Police, open up!" Sherlock yelled, studying the passenger inside the car. He panted, looking at the man. You came to Sherlock's side, trying to catch your breath. You hadn't run like that in ages. "No..." He shook his head angrily. "Teeth, tan. What, Californian?" He scoffed looking at the man. "LA, Santa Monica. Just arrived." You groaned, looking at the man's luggage. Sherlock was right.

"How could you possibly know that?" John asked through deep breaths behind the two of you.

"The luggage." You motioned to his bags for John to look.

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