The Final Problem: Chapter 2

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(Hey, guys! I know this chapter is a little uneventful and kind of a filler, but I still really like it and I hope you guys do too! ❤️ Anyway, I hope you all are having a good day! I love you guys, all the comments from the last chapter made me so happy to read. Ahhh, ily guysssss!)


Convincing Sherlock to let you go with him to Sherrinford was a task that hadn't been simple. He was already stressed about you almost getting blown up, so thrusting yourself into another potentially dangerous situation wasn't ideal to him. You understood where he was coming from, but your urge of wanting to be by his side overpowered the potential danger in your mind. Sherlock wanted to protect you, and you wanted to protect Sherlock. You were just worried something might happen to him and you wouldn't be there. You wanted to be with him all the way through anything and everything. You needed too, if something happened... you'd never ever forgive yourself. You were sure he knew that.

"Can't a girl live?! I've been locked in the flat for the past three months, you've barely let me go anywhere! This is your sister for heaven's sake, let me help you! I'm pregnant, not a bloody trauma victim!" You told Sherlock firmly, placing your hands on your back as you glared over at him. You were tired of him being so protective. You loved the man but you just wanted to help. It wasn't like you were going into a suicide mission.

"You're staying here with Mrs Hudson, and that's final. And stay inside, the press thinks Mycroft is in critical condition, if anyone sees you they'll ask questions and we don't have time to plan around that." Sherlock told you while he paced back and forth around Mycroft's more secret of offices. You'd all gotten cleaned up after the explosion, and surprisingly none of you had even sustained a scratch. Sherlock and John were a bit sore from their fall through the windows, but other than maybe some bruised knees they were grand.

"Sherlock, I understand you're worried. I get that, I really do, but stop pretending like this isn't as big of a deal as it is. You're going to need me there. I know you won't admit it, but this is going to be hard on you, you didn't know you had a sister until today. You've got a lot of repressed memories. Besides, people won't mess with me, I'm pregnant!" You told him, as if he needed reminding. You placed a hand on his wrist, tilting your head up towards him as he looked down at you. His eyes were narrowed as he studied your features with his x-ray like scan.

"You know that if something happened to you if I let you come..." He trailed off, shaking his head like he was flinging the thoughts away. He ran his hands through his curls, shaking them out.

"Nothing will happen, and I'll have my boys there to protect me if anything were to happen. Besides, it's a lockdown facility on an island, there'll be good healthcare." You assured him. You knew you were slowly convincing him to let you come, and just in time too, because if you were going to get to Sherrinford you were going to need to head out as soon as humanly possible.

"I don't know..." He shook his head.

"I promise, if you feel like any threat might come to me while there, I'll step out." You told him honestly. You wanted to be there to support Sherlock, but you knew it could be dangerous. You would abide by his rules and do anything you could to step out of the line of danger, you had a baby to think of.

Sherlock looked up at you, thinking that over. "Promise?" He questioned.

"Swear." You told him, not breaking eye contact. After a moment he sighed.

"No... it's really not a good idea. You're due any time now, and I just don't think it's smart." He shook his head, turning away from you as you stuck out your lip in a pout.

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