The Blind Banker: Chapter 14

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Once you made it to the National Antiques Museum, you quickly found the young man named Andy, who was luckily working at the time. The museum was empty at the moment so it was easy to question him about Soo Lin without being interrupted. You and Sherlock studied some of the displays in the main room while you asked him questions.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Sherlock inquired, looking over a case full of brown teacups. They looked very delicate, but held a mysterious beauty. You could tell they were frequently used, possibly for a demonstration the museum did.

"Three days ago. Umm, here at the museum. This morning they told me she'd resigned. Just like that. Left her work unfinished." Andy answered glumly, tucking his hands into the pockets of his brown, khaki dress pants. You could tell he had some sort of crush on her, no one cared that much over their coworkers to go out of there way to leave a note at their flat. At least, you didn't think they did.

You scanned over some artifacts, as you tuned in to their conversation. There were many interesting things such as: old masks, paintings, and pottery. You were easily intrigued by museums and all about the Earth's past... a lot of it seemed complicated. The human brain unable to comprehend all of its history. You think that's why you enjoyed it so much. Because so many other people didn't.

"What was the last thing she did on her final afternoon?" You asked as you looked up at Andy from a brightly coloured tribal mask. You scanned Andy's glum face as his eyes glazed over you. He really wanted to help you, Sherlock, and John. You could see his distress, his worry for Soo Lin.

"I can show you." He offered and the three of you nodded as he started to lead you to the back of the museum where they stored artifacts that were no longer on display. It was similar to the island of misfits in your point of view. All the artifacts the museum deemed unworthy made their homes here or displays that were switched in and out with others.

The four of you approached large double doors that Andy pushed open, after swiping his keycard. The door was creaky, and opened fairly slowly. Andy immediately walked in, flipping on the lights as he went. He moved with purpose.

You grazed behind them, taking in all the large boxes and artifacts before you trotted behind Sherlock and John to catch up with them. There were so many things packed away in this room. You wondered which item Soo Lin worked with... it could be anything. There were so many things held all over the museum there was no telling which one she'd spent the most time with.

"She does this demonstration for the tourists, a tea ceremony. So she would have packed her things, and just put them in here." Andy told the three of you as he approached a rolling shelf. He gave the handle a pull so it rotated and moved the shelves apart. He entered the newly revealed mini hallway between two shelves. So Soo Lin worked with the tea cups you'd seen earlier on display... interesting.

The three of you were about to enter the gap so Andy could show you what Soo Lin did, when Sherlock took a sharp turn. Something had obviously caught his eye.

You spun on your heel, seeing Sherlock staring up at an old greek style statue of a woman. She had a blanket draped over half of her body; it looked as if someone had yanked it back out of the way. But that was not what caught your eye. What caught your eye was the bright yellow paint spray painted across the statue's chest in a cipher. The same cipher you'd been seeing before. You clinched your jaw before making grave eye contact with Sherlock. Soo Lin was now in extreme danger, if she wasn't dead already.

The three of you soon left the museum, swiftly walking through the front doors into the night that was lit up by lights that shone all over the museum.

"We have to get to Soo Lin Yao." Sherlock said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his long coat, that was now buttoned up against the cold night breeze.

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