The Six Thatchers: Chapter 6

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You and Mary made it to Craig's house a bit before Sherlock and John showed up. You were all chatting, waiting for them to arrive when you heard two solid knocks at the door.

"That's them!" You smiled, reaching down to ruffle Craig's dog, Toby's, ears. He was the most adorable bloodhound ever and he perked up when he heard the knock on the door.

Craig stood, attaching Toby's leash as he went to answer the door. You smiled at Mary as you leaned over to grab Rosie's little front baby carrier. You handed it to Mary as you heard Sherlock greeting Craig at the door. You leaned around the corner waving to John.

"Hey!" You greeted, stepping out of the house and onto the pavement. Sherlock now held Toby's leash and you squatted down to give him another quick pet.

"Hiya!" Mary came out from the house as well, with Rosie on her hip and the baby carrier in her open hand. John looked at her, his eyes set with confusion.

"Mary, what are you... No, we agreed we would never bring Rosie out on a case." He looked to little Rosie that was in her arms, giving her a disapproving look that showed he didn't quite agree with her bringing Rosie along for the trip.

"No, exactly, so..." She passed Rosie to John who took her in shock. "... don't wait up. Hey, Sherlock." Mary smiled as she walked past John out onto the sidewalk.

"Hey." Sherlock greeted with a faint smile. You stood from petting Toby to watch how John would react.

"But... Mary what are you two doing here?" He asked, turning to you for an explanation.

"Sherlock called me, I brought her along." You told him simply, leaving out the fact that Mary was of use to you. She knew a lot from her days in her old job that came in useful countless times in the past.

"She's better at this than you." Sherlock told him bluntly, that's exactly what you weren't going to mention.

"Better?" John questioned, his face wrinkled in different emotions. He mostly looked offended.

"That's why I brought her!" You grinned.

"Hang on. Mary's better than me?" John looked from you to Sherlock, still offended.

"Well, she is a retired super-agent with a terrifying skill set. Of course she's better." Sherlock informed him. You nodded in slight agreement with Sherlock's statement. It was true, but that didn't mean that John wasn't useful every once and awhile as well. But you were just pushing his buttons at the moment for fun.

"Yeah, okay." John sighed.

"... Nothing personal." Sherlock told him after a moment.

"Right, yeah... no offense." You nodded.

"What, so I'm supposed to just go home now, am I?" John asked, bouncing Rosie slightly in his arms as he looked over the three of you.

"Oh, what do you think, guys? Shall we take him with us?" Mary smiled at the two of you and you studied John, like you were really considering this thoughtfully. It was a tough decision to make.

"Hmm... I think he can be of some use." You decided, turning back towards Sherlock. "What do you think?"

"John or the dog?" Sherlock looked down at Toby before up at Mary with a mock serious look.

"Ha-ha, that's funny." John said, although he didn't sound amused.

"John." Mary nodded.

"Well..." Sherlock stretched out, sounding like he wasn't so sure about Mary's final decision.

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