Chapter Two

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Yoongi was sat on a futon in the back of the small cabin when the wooden door was thrown open. Namjoon, Jin, and Hobi all remained unfazed where they were sat in front of a TV. Popcorn in hand, they all were watching some shitty horror movie from the 90's. They were the type of ones that would spark the thought of, "Wow, people actually found this scary?"

Of course, no door slams open the way Jungkook makes a door slam open, so Yoongi was prepared when the 6 foot tall man child dropped into his lap. Barely saving the popcorn, Yoongi groaned, but wrapped his arms around his younger brother.

"No man slams a door open the way Jeon Jungkook does." Hoseok laughed from his place on the floor.

"Preach!" Tae laughed, dropping into the space between Yoongi and the arm of the small couch.

Everyone laughed, save for Jimin, who stood awkwardly by the door. Yoongi, being the first one to notice, motioned for him to sit down. "Come on Park. Sit down, I have a story to tell."

Jimin walked over to where everyone was sat, and slunked down against a wall, next to one of the dingy sofas Jin and Namjoon were on. Once he sat down, Yoongi started talking again, "Okay so I was trying to text Jungkook's new number right?"

Everyone nodded.

"And I start asking basic questions about when you guys we're gonna be here. I said something about not wanting to have to hang out with your friends. Normal shit I say. And this asshat get all fucking defensive about Jimin and shit. So, thinking it was Kook, I popped the fuck off about resepcting your hyungs."

"But it wasn't me, Hyung." Kook snorted, punching Yoongi lightly in the chest like a child.

"No shit!" Yoongi groaned, pushing Jungkook of his lap. Jungkook groaned as he laid on the floor, sprawled out like an eagle. Tae snickered at his boyfriend.

"Well maybe the other guy wasn't in the wrong?" Jimin muttered, almost inaudibly.

"What the hell are you going on about Park, Yoongi didn't even do anything wrong. This is why we didn't want to hang out with your self righteous ass." Hoseok snorted, throwing some popcorn at Jimin. Jimin simply sighed and looked down, clearly not wanting to try and even speak up against the others.

"Guys lay off, he didn't do anything." Jungkook rolled his eyes from where he was laid out.

"Yeah, except look like he uses a cross as a dildo." Yoongi laughed.

Hoseok laughed a little before saying, "#PrayForPark."

"He's in so much denial it's annoying. When he comes out, I call dibs." Hoseok snorted.

"Both of you shut up I'm missing the movie, Jimin get your perky ass over here, my popcorn is caramelized." Jin ordered, scooting over.

"Only because you go out of your way to be dramatic." Namjoon muttered.

Everyone laughed as Jimin sat down, and everyone focused back on the movie.

About ten minutes into the movie, Jimin said, "Isn't this the 93 show? That Leprechaun one? Look, I don't like watching these kinds of-"

"Can it, Park," Yoongi said, throwing some of Taehyung and Kook's popcorn at him. Jimin simply sighed and continued watching the movie.


At this point in my life I'm truly debating rather or not waking up before 8 am should be considered illegal. Fun fact, Tae once woke me up as though she were my 6 year old little sister on Christmas morning. I mean full on sitting on me and slapping me and poking me awake at like 6 am - Zepp

It was 10am. Not 6. And I can't help my mental clockwork is simply set earlier than yours, you oaf. -Tae

Anytime that isn't noon is too early- Zepp


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