Chapter Fifty-Three

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It was early evening the next day when Yoongi found himself walking up to Jimin's front door. He had never used it, and right now, as he stood in his button up shirt and skinny jeans, it felt appropriate. He licked his chapped lips, and pulled at his shirt collar with his empty hand. He took in a deep breath, checking the flowers to make sure they were still in tip top shape, before ringing the door bell.

Nobody came to the door for a moment, though yells of "I got it!" from three different voices rang around inside before the door was actually opened.

"Yes! Hello- Oh. You," it wasn't at all who Yoongi would have expected it to be. Standing in the doorway was a rather unamused Jihyun, his arms crossed in front of himself. "You aren't Soobin. And that's not okay."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow, slightly amused by the younger boy, "And you aren't Jimin, and that's not okay." he responded dryly.

Jihyun scoffed. "Wow. You are really about to ask out my brother. My brother. Great. You know, at first I thought you were like.. Twenty something years old and wanted to hook up with my mom because she is hella loaded, but wow... guess not... you wanted... my brother..."

Yoongi scrunched up his face, "I'm eighteen for fucks sake!" he groaned, "and also, I have literally never met you, what the hell?'

Jihyun's face fell. "You seriously- oh my god, this entire town is stupid. I was literally sitting on the couch every time you came to my house. I even waved at you. I- Nevermind. AYO MA. THAT SHORT KID IS HERE."


"WAIT YOONGI IS HERE???" the sound of something falling on the floor made Jihyun laugh.

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT WHAT THE HELL!?" Yoongi yelled back, just to feel included, he looked back down at Jihyun, "Also, don't worry, you didn't make a bad first impression, you made a horrible one." he winked and tousled the boys already messed up hair.

"Literally, didn't ask," he said hearing the sound of running come from down the hall. "Ight, ima pop out before i get trampled. Use protection, he has never seen a dick that isn't his own before."

"Are we sure he's even seen that much?" he mumbled just loud enough so that the boy walking away could hear.

"OUT OF THE WAY, SHORT STACK," the mom yelled, now coming into view, pushing her son out of the way to get to the door. Luckily, this time, she wasn't in her pink robe, but was actually in normal clothes, even if only one half of her hair was curled.

"Yoongi, dear, how are you? And what's this? A gift for me?" she beamed, reaching out for the flowers.

Yoongi chuckled, pulling the daffodils out of the older woman's reach, "Sorry Ma'am, these flowers are for the less attractive Park this time, but I can surely get you some next time I visit."

She smiled. "Oh, you are precious. But you do know he has no dowry. No money for his hand in marriage. You are only getting him. Nothing else. Aside from me as your mother in law, that is. And i hope you know i want grandkids-"

"MOM!" Jimin yelled, coming up from behind her. The woman simply smiled again at Yoongi.

"Use protection. He has never seen a dick that isn't his own before," she tousled Yoongi's hair before whispering something to Jimin that made him bright red before he nudged her down the hall.

Yoongi smiled softly as Jimin's mother walked away, and pretend not to notice her turn down the hallway and then turn back again to spy. He just ignored her, and stepped closer to Jimin, using his empty hand to wrap his arm around the younger and pull him closer.

"I said it once and I'll say it again i'm not even sure you've seen that much." he smirked

Jimin hid his face in Yoongi's chest, grabbing the fabric and pulling Yoongi closer to him, the head from his cheeks radiating through the shirt.

"You are all so mean to me," Jimin pouted, lightly punching the older.

"Are you sure about that? Because someone once told me i'm pretty soft for you... " he said, hugging Jimin just a little bit tighter, almost as if he couldn't believe this was happening, " And I went out of my way to get you these pretty flowers, and drive all the way here to ask you out on a date. What a shame that i'm mean though, truly."

"I didn't mean it like that- wait you what," Jimin gasped, pulling away from Yoongi to look him in the eyes, searching for the little glint of mischief he had when he made those kinds of jokes.

Finally, he looked at the flowers. The pink daffodils. Jimin couldn't find the words to talk, for none of them could describe how baffled he was, how excited he was, or how overall happy he was at that moment.

"Oh!" Yoongi suddenly exclaimed, "I forgot the cherry on top!" he reached into his pack pocky and pulled out a box of pocky.

"A box of pink pocky for my cute little pink baby."

"I- when did- what- Yoongi?" Jimin looked so confused, yet the slight smile he had on his face knew what was happening.

"Well, Park Jimin, I'm here, dressed nice, shaved and styled, on your front door step, asking you, who is Jimin, if you'd like to go on a date with me, who is Yoongi, to that little diner downtown next Friday?" he spoke with his usual snarky tone, but if you paid attention you could hear the shake in his voice.

Jimin was the one who listened closely as a small smirk found it's way onto his lips. "You're nervous... oh my god, Min Yoongi is NERVOUS," Jimin smiled, poking Yoongi in the chest. "Min Yoongi has a cute little crush on ME. And he is NERVOUS as if I know what's going on."

Yoongi turned bright red for the first time in a very long time, the sun doing nothing to hide the blush that traveled from ear to ear, "Stop it- I- I'll walk away right now!" he warned

Jimin smiled. "No you won't, because if you do you won't hear my answer, dumb dumb."

Yoongi thought for a second, before he smirked, "Yes, I will." he handed the flowers and pocky over to the boy and took a step backwards

Jimin panicked. "No! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Don't leave me with these people! They ask questions!"

Yoongi's smirk grew as his blush faded, "Are you sure Minne?" he stepped closer to Jimin again, "Because if you want me to leave-," his arms travelled around Jimin's waist, "I totally can." and despite his words, his head fell to rest against Jimin, and their lips were mere centimeters apart.

"Um, and you totally aren't because you are coming inside because i just realized yesterday that there is a Mulan 2, and I'm not watching it by myself," Jimin pouted, wrapping his arms around Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled, "Of course baby, anything you want, but you gotta answer my question first." he said, leaning forward, quickly kissing Jimin's pout away.

Jimin smiled as he blushed. "Yes, yes, of course. I would love to."

"So cute." Yoongi said calmly, yet eternally he was losing his shit. He chuckled softly at himself, before kissing Jimin softly on the nose.

"Come on Minnie, lets go watch Mulan."  


UwU for you and UwU for you - Zepp {043020}

i just Ow0- tae {053120"

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