Chapter Fifty-Five

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Hobi's High Henchman

Mar. 1

3:01 P.M.

Yoongi; he can fuck me with a stick and i'd still love him

Seokie; and they say chivalry is dead

Yoongi; i want to hold him

Yoongi; forever

Yoongi; he said yes and i was losing my shit anD HE FUCKING NOTICED

Jin; why the hell would he fuck you with a stick

Joon; jin when did they stop being your otp ur so rude i-

Jin; they still are yoongis just annoying

Seokie; okay but tf you mean he nOTICED

Seokie; he wouldn't point that out even if he did notice

Yoongi; yes tf he would and yes tf he did

Yoongi; he tried to make a fool out of me

Yoongi; i mean he did but i hold power over him BUT STILL

Jin; hes my son of course he is a little brat

Seokie; okay but like he wouldn't be mean about it

Seokie; he isn't like that

Seokie; maybe you are just exaggerating

Yoongi; he found it hilarious and made fun of me

Seokie; maybe you are just exaggerating

Joon; or maybe jimin is secretly just a little bitch

Joon; yoongi no offense

Yoongi; but he is my little bitch

Joon; Yours?

Jin; my otp is going on a date i'm sdjfbsipfgsipdhfs

Yoongi; yea were going on a date it'll be cool

Jin; "it'll be cool" i-

Seokie; yeah but uh tae told me what was poppin in you, kooks, and jimins group text and like wHen WaS hE sO sUgGesTiVe

Yoongi; probably sense that one time i told him i wanted to fuck him so hard all he could remember is my name as he screamed it


Seokie; hyung you don't unDERSTAND

Seokie; he is much more...

Seokie; how to put it....

Seokie; willing?

Seokie; than you think he is

Joon; you make no sense when you say anything

Jin; actually hobi

Jin; shut the fuck up

Jin; he isn't, he gay panics when yoongi as much as looks at him, and he is still geting over that dad stuff

Jin; he would tell yoongi yes to having sex if yoongi asked but h'd be scared the entire time

Yoongi; i dont want to fuck him

Jin; who the hell are you and where did you put Min Yoongi

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