Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Yoongi's throat tightened as the lights from the uptown buildings slowly dimmed to those of the downtown ones. With the diner approaching, his mind was racing with things he and Jimin could talk about, because for the first time in a long time, the air between the two boys was faced with a thick and heavy silence. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter with each mile he drove and he was hyper aware of Jimin in the seat next to him, the younger boy fiddling with his hands in his lap.

"So,-" The elder said, breaking the quiet, " You look really cute."

Jimin glanced up at Yoongi from his hands, lips parted in a little surprise that the silence was broken. "Oh, um, thanks. You look..." Jimin paused as he scanned Yoongi's outfit, squinting his eyes to see it better. "Charming."

"Hmm~" He smiled, holding back a chuckle, " Thats a new one." he relaxed his grip a bit, his own awkwardness dissipating.

Jimin smiled. "I think words like that are coming back. Words like ravishing, dapper, charming, they seem to be coming back around."

Jimin looked back down at his hands with a smile on his face as he fiddled with his thumbs once again, pulling on the rings he wore.

"Stop fiddling so much darling, you look absolutely ravishing." He reached out one hand and placed it to where Jimin could grab it, "And to be honest, you always do."

The younger giggled quietly as he shyly placed his hand in the older's. "You're just saying that. You haven't seen me when I get back from dance practice. I look rough."

"I bet I can make you look rougher, baby." He laced his finger's through Jimin's and didn't hold back the full on gummy smile that broke out on his face at the feeling. His chest tightened with the giddiness of it all.

"You don't have the right to make those statements if you never go through with them," Jimin said, matter-of-factly. He kept a smugness to his voice, as if he felt he had just won an argument.

"It take me 10 minutes of kissing you to make you dry cum Minnie, watch that attitude of yours before I make you take your words back." he said, trying his best to sound smug but the happiness in his voice broke through at every opportunity.

Jimin threw his head back in laughter, falling into the console of the car as he laughed. Jimin didn't even stop laughing when small tears started to fall out of his eyes. "You- You really- you really think so? Wow, i'd love to see you follow through with that one, that was a good one."

"After dinner then, lovely." his smile finally fell to a smirk as they pulled into the diner's parking lot and Yoongi stopped the car in a spot towards the front. He let go of Jimin's hand and unbuckled both of their seatbelts.

"Don't move." he said, stopping the younger boy from opening his door. The taller of the two climbed out of the car through his own door, before rounding the back of the vehicle and opening the door for Jimin, "This a'way, Mr. Park." he said with a bow.

"You're a dork," Jimin laughed, sliding his arm into Yoongi's.

"Only for you." He laughed, kissing Jimin's cheek as they entered the restaurant. It was clean, and looked knew, but had a very calming and minimalist feeling to it. Yoongi let out a breath he hadn't known he been holding as he led Jimin to a small booth towards the back.

"When did you even find this place?" Jimin said, sliding down into the booth.

"Actually that weird as fuck friend of yours recommended it to me." He said as a waitress approached them and went to lay down menus but Yoongi stopped her.

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