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7 Natural Disasters

Oct. 5

10:47 P.M.

Seokie; we uSeD to bE bEsT buDDieS

Minnie; aND nOw wErE nOt

Seokie; i WisH yOU cOUld tEll mE wHY

Kock; because we are in seoul they arent

Jin; it's called time zones

Roach; no it's called loneliness

Joon; lmao can't relate

Yoongi: kook or hope can one of you drop by the studio with some coffee i'm gonna finish this damn song by tonight

Seokie; i'm still in my studio jk you do it

Kock; lazy ass you go do it i'm busy

Seokie; so am i!

Kock; no you aren't we both know you are just watching porn

Seokie; u rite u rite

Minnie; one of you go get him coffee before i fly over there and kill you both

Kock; not it

Seokie; fuck

Minnie; thanks hobi! 💓💓

Seokie; don't start with me

Yoongi; kook i pay your bills wtf are you doing

Yoongi; and thanks baby

Jin; lmao long distance LOSERS

Joon; that moment when you gotta miss ur own bf's birthday

Minnie; oh haha it's fine though, he is working hard over there, i understand that he can't

Seokie; oop-

Kock; yeah okay but like fuck you joon you don't say that type of shit

Yoongi; babe i'm sorry you know if i could afford a ticket over there i would be there asap

Roach; I miss my boyfriend

Yoongi; i'd bring him too tae

Jin; okay yea joon that was hoseok level too far

Joon; i realize and apologize for my mistake

Minnie; guys let's not get all angsty over this

Minnie; im sure me and tae completely understand why they can't be here, right tae?

Roach; no i don't fuck you jeon jungkook i miss my morning cuddles

Jin; not to be as bad as my bf but tae crys A LOT ever since you left

Kock; taehyung, babe, you know i would be there in a heartbeat if i could, right? I miss you too, but we really don't have the time or money to get back right now

Jin; Joon. be more like the min-jeon family

Joon; catch me flying to korea ig

Minnie; okay let's do a fun little subject change

Minnie; how are things over there

Kock; it is hard

Seokie; i am working too much dude this sucks ngl but like it's kinda my fault because I lowkey push of all of my assignments to like the night before so

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