Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Jan. 13

12:00 P.M.

Kook; hey, i'm sorry for being such an ass in the hall this morning

Kook; i don't know why i acted like that

TaeBae; babe you didn't do anything I was being clingy and whiny

Kook; i know

Kook; im sorry

Kook; i should have been paying more attention to you

TaeBae; kookie we made out for fifteen minutes and you walked me to school, i'm sorry i made you feel like you weren't doing enough

TaeBae; i did the thing where i compared you to your brother again and I know that stresses you out

TaeBae; I joke about hyung but you know you're the one I love

Kook; no, you are right

Kook; i should be a little more like my brother

Kook; he's more responsible than i am, is independent financially, and he is really fucking nice

TaeBae; yea but Jungkook, baby, he is also your caretaker, he made it his job to be those things so you don't have to be. I love my silly goofy kookie. There is a side of you that is like hyung, strict, protective, and responsible, but you like having fun and playing video games and making out in inappropriate places and that's why I love you and not scary old hyung

TaeBae; you go out of your way to make me happy, and that's pretty nice. So what you can be a little emotionally constipated and act out in front of the guys but you still love and take care of me just more subtly and tha'ts okay

Kook; i will try harder, tae, really, i will. I promise

TaeBae; but kook i really am happy! You know i just get clingy and whiny sometimes

TaeBae; let yoonmin have their relationship, because i'm beyond satisfied with mine

TaeBae; I mean look at my beautiful boyfriend

TaeBae; I mean look at my beautiful boyfriend

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