Chapter Fifty-One

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Feb. 22

12:24 P.M.

Minnie; you're an idiot

Yoongi; I've been told

Minnie; i'm not mad at you

Yoongi; why didn't you message me

Yoongi; nvm I don't even have the right to ask that

Yoongi; i know we aren't at a good place right now

Yoongi; I know we haven't been

Minnie; i'm nervous???

Yoongi; why the fuck would you be nervous

Yoongi; you haven't done anything that i don't already know about right??

Minnie; okay technically i haven't dONE anything within my will and like ive tecHNICALLY already told you so like-

Minnie; are you catching on?

Yoongi; Jimin. Do i ever catch on

Minnie; okay let's play a game that involves using some fun little context clues

Minnie; 1) i am not mad at you in the slightest for what happened at hoseoks party

Minnie; 2) i've been hinting at this for the past few months, just not as myself

Minnie; please use your big boy brain

Yoongi; kid, my big boy brain got burnt out along with my good credit score

Yoongi; you think i'm a bottom i-?

Yoongi; ion know

Minnie; ok let me spell this out

Minnie; min yoongi

Minnie; you

Minnie; thE min yoongi

Minnie; i-

Minnie; park jimin

Minnie; the one and only

Minnie; great fun to be around

Minnie; the irreplaceable park jimin

Minnie; likes you

Minnie; like... i really fucking like you?

Minnie; which is why i was so scared to tell you i was christian? I didn't want you to hate me. My plan was to just slowly try and start to get you to hate christian so that way you would eventually forget about him or not want to talk about him, but i just couldn't. I like you too much to try and make you upset, and i know, it was such a stupid idea, but my best friends are vkook, what do you expect

Minnie; so yes, min yoongi, i like you

Minnie; i like you a lot.

Yoongi; My god Minnie

Yoongi; baby I am so, so sorry

Yoongi; it is my own fault for not noticing it was you sooner, and I said some embarrassing shit and some personal shit that i guess it was better for you to know in the end

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