Chapter Fourteen

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Jimin felt weighted down by his own sweat and regret, walking into the old gas station. He didn't want to be here, he had thought of every other possible option, but he was tired and cold, and this was the only store between his house and the school.

He might of had a gay awakinging, but he still hated Min Yoongi, and on top of that he had on the elders stupid jacket on. Only because it was thick and strong protection against the cold, and definitely not because it smelled good and felt like home.

Jimin let out an audible sigh as he pulled open the creaky door of the gas station, a bell ringing above his head. He kept his head down and walked into the refrigerated section to grab a water, not minding the quick glances from the clerk.

Meanwhile, behind the counter, sat Min Yoongi, trying to discreetly fix his hair. He watched the younger's groggy tired movements intently, watching as Jimin weakly grabbed the water from the fridge. To put it in short, Jimin looked tired.

Jimin sighed, shuffling his was back over to the stores counter, he avoided eye contact with the clerk, who was staring at him, cigarette hanging from his lips, and phone turned off in his hands.

Yoongi's head followed Jimin as the smaller boy rounded the corner and placed his water down.

"Merry Christmas eve, Jiminie." Yoongi said, running the bottle under the scanner, "That'll be $1.17"

Jimin looked down, his cheeks the same color as the Santa suit painted on the window. Jimin just reached into the jacket pocket, Yoongi's jacket pocket, and set down a twenty dollar bill.

Yoongi, who was as shocked by the use of the nickname as Jimin, looked at the money in confusion, "Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but that is $18.83 too much?"

"Um... just.. Just keep the change, I... sorry, I'm really tired. It's been a long night," Jimin sighed again finally looking up to face Yoongi. He just blushed again and looked down again, shoving his hands into the black sweater pockets.

"Why are you out so late? Not- Not that I care I- I mean I hate you why- I mean why are you bothering me so late?" Yoongi sputtered, his cheeks staining a light pink. He took his cigarette out of his mouth and looked down at it, as though it suddenly held all the worlds secrets.

"Oh, um..." Jimin bit on his bottom lip. "Well, um, long story, haha..." he laughed, blushing and looking down. "My dad is in with the school well, so I have a master card to get into the school, so I kinda broke in and had my own dance practice, you know? God- I sound so stupid- wait, you weren't supposed to hear that, I-" Jimin just went a feverish red and hid his face in his hands.

"Well, I heard it, stop hiding your cute face." Yoongi smirked, looking back up at Jimin. "Hey,-", he suddenly said, "You weren't there with someone by chance?"

Jimin uncovered his face, a pout hanging on his mouth. "I am not cute," he said, fiddling with his thumbs. "And yeah, I was. I was uh... with my friend... Christian... you probably don't know him-"

"Well then, it appears you don't know nothing, just so happens I do know Christian, and you are absolutely adorable, so don't go talking and ruining that pretty little face of yours." Yoongi warned. He took the twenty and places it in the register.

"You should be getting home, it's cold, and christmas eve, dance practice or not there is no reason you should be out this late, cute babies like you need your beauty rest."

Jimin simply pouted again. "I'm not a baby. And, I have my rights, if I choose to dance until four in the morning with no breaks, then I will. I am a citizen of this country, and I shall spend my time as I please and spend my time how I want to, because dammit, even if my decision is bad, it's still a decision i made and- oh god, I'm ranting again, I'm sorry," Jimin hurried and grabbed his water. "I'll be getting out of your hair now. Um. Yeah. Bye, hyung."

Yoongi chuckled as the boy darted out of the store, "Alright then, bye princess"


My addiction to drawing Jungkook's hands is almost as bad as my addiction to caffeine, and that is saying a lot- Zepp {042920}

remembering the day i watched bts live on times square and my mom looked at the t.v. and just went "that one in the sparkly jacket, who is he?" and me going "that's jimin" and her straight up going "he dances like hell"- yeah so that is whats on my mind- tae {042920}

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