Chapter Twenty-Six

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Yoongi was sat on Taehyung's couch, minding his own business, or trying to. There was loud music playing across the house and into the backyard, every inch of the ceiling had christmas lights hanging from it and strobe lights in each of the corners like an e-boy's bedroom. The room was packed, sweaty bodies against sweaty bodies in every direction.

The couch was almost empty, though, save for Yoongi and Namjoon, who were sat on opposite sides of the sofa, each in their own world. The music was muddled to Yoongi, as if he were in a room separate from it all, as his eyes watched the front door, he'd take a swing of his beer every now and then, but other than that his only distraction was the occasional girl or guy that would come up to him and try some desperate flirting maneuver.

The only person who had got a response was Tae, and even then the birthday boy only got a kiss on the cheek from the elder before his boyfriend came and dragged him off to get the red head another drink. Yoongi was nowhere near tipsy, being only halfway through his second drink, but his heart was beating ninety to nothing like he was about to have a heart attack. Where was Jimin? He thought, dragging his eyes across the house, looking for a fluff of light pink hair just in case he'd missed the boy come in. Yet, once again, he saw only vaguely familiar faces and a few friends amongst the crowd, and was still to find his crush.

Groaning, Yoongi turned back to the door, which was opening for only the hundredth time that night, and in walked another red headed figure. Yoongi deflated again, before looking back up at the door, and almost jumping back in his seat. Because there, closing the door, was a very, very, red headed Park Jimin. That alone was enough to send Yoongi into a frenzy, but then he made the mistake of looking down, and suddenly he didn't know how much longer he could go without mauling the kid.

Jimin was dressed like he'd just came straight out of a motorcycle gangs diner dinner party and Yoongi couldn't fucking breathe. So very slowly, he took the outfit in, starting with the younger shirt, which was a tight fitting white t-shirt that was scrunched up in the front, which were revealing the top of a pair of fishnets than ran all the way down to a pair of all black timberlands, on top of which were some white washed baby blue ripped jeans. Yet Yoongi knew, that the part that made him the weakest of all, was his jacket that was hanging off the redhead's elbows. Even here, at a party that he seem to be going all out for, he was wearing Yoongi's jacket, making his hands look so small with the sweater paws, that the black haired man felt his heart stop in his chest.

"Hey Namjoon,-" Yoongi said, "I think I'm having a stroke." he reached back and grabbed onto his friends sleeve.

Namjoon only laughed, patting the hand Yoongi was holding onto him with. "Must suck. Let go of me." (Me and Tae) 

"You are a horrible friend and I hope you burn." He muttered, jerking his hand away from his friend, his eyes still staring at the place Jimin had originally been standing. What he wasn't expecting, was for the boy to step back into his field of vision but this time, much, much closer than he'd originally been. Jimin stood with his knees against the arm of the couch where Yoongi had been resting, a big grin on his face.

"Hey hyung!" Jimin beamed down at Yoongi, his eyes thin crescent moons. Yoongi was so taken aback he didn't even realize the boy was wearing makeup.

Part of me, Yoongi said to himself, wants to start hating this kid again. He looked up at Jimin, smiling without teeth, and scooted over, "Hey Minnie, come sit."

Jimin enthusiastically jumped down next to Yoongi. "You look good today, hyung."

Yoongi smirked, leaning back into the cushions, hoping his shirt collar covered the flush on his neck, "Thank minnie, I try, but if anyone looks good today I'd have to say it's you. Red is more than definitely your color." he reached over and ran his hand through Jimin's hair, "I can't decide if this makes me want to fuck you harder or not."

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