Chapter Twelve

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GAY THOTS (and Jimin)

Dec. 22

2:06 A.M.

Jiminie unblocked 'kookie!'

Jiminie unblocked 'kookiemonster!'

Jiminie added 'kookiemonster!'

Jiminie; okay so i'm sorry

Jiminie; i understand you guys are probably upset with me, and i'm sorry for being so immature. Kook, i'm sorry that i blocked you even though you literally didn't do anything, and tae, i'm sorry that i blocked you even though you were just trying to talk some sense into me. I want you two to know that i don't think you two are disgusting or awful in anyway, (i mean, you two can be pretty gross in what you say sometimes but whatever) i think that you two are actually pretty cute together and that your personalities clash well. I just- I'm sorry.

kookiemonster; lol u ain't forgiven yet u know i'm using this against you, u sensitive piece of shit

kookiemonster; ily tho

Jiminie; so are we cool?

kookie; it's a yes from me

kookiemonster; i got two months worth of laundry

kookiemonster; maybe i could find it in my heart to be chill with my bsf again if someone were to do it for me...

kookie; i'll do it! I like it when our laundry gets done together because then our clothes smell the same

kookiemonster; oh baby ... not you okay? I was asking jiminie, he uh... knows the detergent i like the most okay?

kookie; so do i, i use it on my stuff so that way all my clothes smell like you😢😢

Jiminie; come on tae, look how sad he is

kookiemonster; babe ily so much i-

kookiemonster; okay kook can do my laundry because he is the best bf ever and because i want to show off how amazing being gay is to the pink headed dumbass in the chat.

kookiemonster; but jimin is dying my hair next time i need it done and i get to dress him for one full week or no deal

Jiminie; i would dye your hair for you for the next ten years and let you dress me for then next mONTH if it will make you forgive me

kookiemonster; good. I'll hold u to that

kookiemonster; how do feel about fishnets

Jiminie; on me or in general?

kookiemonster; both

kookie; tASK AT HAND LESBIANS jimin why did you feel the sudden urge to apologize aside from the fact that you needed to?

Jiminie; okay it's because i'm mad and stressed and need to talk to people who know i'm jimin

kookiemonster; did smthing happen with yoongi

kookiemonster; wait did u block us and not yoongs?

kookiemonster; wait nvm he is the favorite hyung i forget

Jiminie; no, nothing went down between me and yoongi.

Jiminie; well i mean, technically something did but not like how you two are expecting

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