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Marlene burst into loud laughter and gave me the biggest grin I had ever seen, "Josie, are you seriously trying to get me to go out with Sirius Black? I appreciate the effort but I'm perfectly content being single, I'm actually enjoying it. A lot."

I sighed, of course she would react this way. She was reacting the exact same way Sirius reacted. Which is why they were perfect for each other. Ugh, stupid Sirius and Marlene and their similarities in behavior.

"You alright there Josie?" Mary's said in a concerned tone.

I turned to her and nodded, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You look like you're actually plotting someone's murder." Lily said, laughing.

"I very well could be, you don't know what goes on in this brain of mine," I said with a wink.

They all laughed and for some reason, I felt like I belonged. Despite the fact that I wasn't close to them, I felt a warm tingly sensation travel around my body. Maybe it was the fact that I was hanging out with a group girls for once in my life or maybe because it was the fact that they were some of the only girls who didn't hate me because I was friends with the marauders.

"You know, you should hang out with us more. I'm sure constantly hanging out with the boys can get a bit dull." Marlene said with a smile.

I laughed, "It can feel a bit male-dominated sometimes so I just might take you up on that offer, Marlene."

Mary tucked a strand of her short hair, "Josie, I hope you don't take this the wrong way or anything but how come you don't seem to hang out with the other girls as much?'

I didn't really know how to answer that question because since I had started my friendship with James, Remus, Sirius and Peter girls became envious of me and my friendship with the boys. They assumed because I was a girl that I wanted to date them and that meant the chances of them dating one of the marauders were slim to none. Even though I tried to explain to them that the relationship between the marauders and I was strictly friendship - few listened. Of course not all girls were like that - but the ones who wanted Sirius, James and Remus to notice them would stop at nothing to make sure that I knew that they didn't like me. At all.

I shook my head, "Oh no it's fine honestly. Well I think there are a number of reasons for that, one is probably due to the envy, I got used to the boys and I like being around them so I guess I don't really feel the need to I mean we've been friends for years - they're practically my family." I smiled warmly.

Mary frowned and said, "Those girls are such a pain in the neck!"

I snicker, "You're telling me."

Lily shot me a sympathetic smile, "If they bother you again - you should talk to McGonagall about it. Or you know what just send them to me, I'll show them!"

"Oh yeah, Lily's like a rabid dog. Just one touch and you're scarred for life." Marlene said sarcastically. Everyone knew that Lily was as frightening as a fluffy rabbit. Except when she was around James of course.

Lily rolled her eyes and shoved her playfully, "I can be scary when I want to, you know, just look at the first years! they're scared of me."

I snorted and replied "They're scared of everyone, Lily. Face it, you're about as frightening as a fluffy pink rabbit."

"But a very cute fluffy pink rabbit." Mary said giggling.

Lily looked like she was about to say something but her eyes landed on the clock and she jumped up and out of her seat, a horrific look on her face. She looked like she was watching a dementor suck someone's soul.

"You alright, Lily?" Marlene asked, worried.

"I completely forgot that there's a prefect meeting in fifteen minutes!" She then turned to Remus who was sitting near the fireplace. "Remus, are you coming? We have a prefect's meeting."

He nodded, "Right, I almost forgot about that." He said standing up.

I waved goodbye as I watched Lily and Remus leave the common room. Oh, the sad life of a prefect.

"She has to go to a prefect meeting fifteen minutes early?" I asked a bit skeptical.

Marlene laughed, "No, she just likes to be early to everything; so do the other prefects. It's kind of strange now that I think about it."

Mary laughed, "Ever heard of the saying 'early bird gets the worm'? I'm pretty sure that's Lily's life motto. Bless her."

I looked at Mary MacDonald, studying her face. She was one of the smallest girls in our grade, which made her an easy target for bullies. With her shoulder length brown hair, big brown eyes and baby face. She was a very friendly and kind-hearted girl, yet also very quiet. Mary's life turned upside down last year when one of the teachers caught Mulciber physically assaulting Mary, apparently she was so scared that she froze on the spot and couldn't move at all. If it wasn't for Lily and Marlene who took her under their wing, I was almost certain that she would never return to Hogwarts again.

Marlene looked between the both of us, "Next week is the first Hogsmeade trip! who's going?"

Mary shrugged, "I don't know- should I go?"

"You know, next week the boys and I are going- you guys should tag along." I said coolly.

Mary's eyes widened and she turned a faint shade of pink ,"N-no it's fine."

Marlene's reaction was the exact opposite, "That's a great idea, Josie! We could go to the three broomsticks, I'd also love to stop by Honeydukes, I've been craving chocolate for days!" she grinned.

Mary turned her big eyes towards Marlene, "B-but-"

"Oh come on, Mary. It'll be fun, I promise. You have nothing to worry about and besides you'll have us with you." I said, putting a comforting hand on her arm.

She paused for a moment and looked down, "Alright. But you have to promise not to leave me alone. Promise!" She said, fear in her eyes.

Marlene rolled her eyes playfully, "Okay, I promise."

I shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

Marlene laughed at me, "You know who you remind me off? The marauders combined. It's like if they all had one baby, it'd be you."

I scoffed, "Are you joking? They can barely look after themselves, if they had a baby it'd be dead already."

We all laughed

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