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"Josie, I don't think I've ever seen someone this excited to go back to school," Frank said, eyeing me up and down suspiciously. We turned a corner, and made our way into the infamous platform nine and three-quarters. I wasn't exactly excited to go back to school, but he didn't have to know that.

I laughed at his remark but said nothing, instead focusing all my energy into pushing the extremely heavy trolley. I let my eyes scan the crowd, I was hoping to find at least one of my friends. But, it was packed with people making it difficult to find anyone. I was sure that if I wasn't clinging onto Frank's jacket that I would've lost sight of him too.

The rest of the holidays had been a blur, during the middle of the holidays my mother insisted that we go visit my aunt, who lived three hours away from us. That meant I hadn't gotten to spend time with my friends and instead had to babysit a bunch of bratty kids who seemed to never stop whining, screaming and crying.

The last time I had seen Sirius was when he had told me he fancied me, it was still a shock but my lack of a soul really helped me adjust to the situation. Just kidding. Everytime I thought of Sirius my heart began to accelerate and then I did whatever I could to stop thinking about him, which was a lot harder than you would think. I wasn't sure how to behave around him now, especially since I had told him to act like we were dating when we returned to Hogwarts. Was I supposed to be friendly? Was I supposed to kiss him? Hug him? I wasn't sure and the more I thought about it the more terrifying everything seemed.

"Josie, look out!" Greg said, before sharply pulling me away. "You almost bloody hit that old lady in a wheelchair!" He said, stifling his laughter.

I winced at the old lady and gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I'm sorry, lady! Hey - can you see any of my friends?" I asked, redirecting the conversation to a more important subject.

"No, but who bloody cares - you'll be seeing them every day for the next six months or so, anyway." He said.

I scratched the back of my neck, "You know, we still haven't spoken about Emily. You know, your ex girlfriend?"

Greg clenched his jaw, "Shouldn't we be getting on that train?" I could very obviously see how his body language had changed, he was doing what he always did. He was shutting me out. Underneath Frank's witty exterior, he was vulnerable. He just never wanted to admit it. I guess it was hereditary because I was that way too.

I rolled my eyes at him, "The train can wait, Frank - what the hell is going on? You never want to talk about Emily, every time I start a conversation with you about her, you just shut me out!" I said, crossing my arms.

He gave me a blank stare, "Merlin, what do you want me to do? Tell you my feelings while we watch a movie and eat sushi? I'm not like that. You're not like that. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk about her." He sighed frustratedly, "Look, I don't want to fight, Josie. Let's just go and get on the train." he said, motioning to the train behind me.

I shook my head, keeping my feet firmly on the platform, "No, not until you tell me. You better tell me now because you know how stubborn I am." I said, seriously.

He groaned and covered his face, "She fell in love with someone else, okay? Some weird bloke, who's in a band. Grey dogs or whatever," he said, annoyed. He then proceeded to push me onto the train, "Now go."

Usually, I would've argued and stayed to hear more details but the train was going to leave any minute and I couldn't wait another day so I coul get a train to go to Hogwarts.

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