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I knocked on Filch's door, as usual I was always five minutes early to everything. Even if it was something as horrible as detention. The door slid open to reveal Filch's bored face along with his evil cat Mrs. Norris, who hissed at me when she saw me before hiding behind Filch. Filch rolled his eyes at me before sliding back into the room and returning with a toothbrush.

"At least y'had the decency to show up earlier, if only you had the decency to stay out 'er trouble." He grumbled as he handed me the toothbrush reluctantly.

I gave him a sarcastic smile, "Well you can't get everything you want in life."

A loud BOOM! was heard and James' face appeared almost out of the shadows, he looked more messy than usual. His hair was in all directions, his face was covered with dirt and his clothes dishevelled and ripped "I'm here! I'm here - am I late? I'm not late, I'm sure of it. I think." He locked gazes with me, "Hey Josie."

Filch almost screamed, "What happened 'ter you?!" He said pointing at James.

James laughed, "Oh yeah, that's why I came to get you. Someone is making things explode all around the school and Peeves is helping! They already damaged a lot so you better hurry."

Filch glared at him, disbelief splattered across his face. "This better not be one of 'yer li'l pranks, Potter!"

Another boom was sounded from the other side of the hall, louder than the first one. James jumped up, probably to show fear and feign innocence. How did I know it was them? Because the other day they had the intelligent idea of making fireworks from random things they could find at Hogwarts.

I gasped, hoping it sounded real. "Filch! You're wasting time by just standing here! At least try to stop whoever is doing this before McGonagall finds out. If she knew that you were standing here doing nothing she'd have your head,"

He narrowed his eyes at us suspicously and then said in a loud voice, "You two bet'er stay here! C'mon Mrs. Norris." He said and then ran down the hallway.

I turned around to James and shook my head at him, "Now can you please explain to me why the hell you got me in detention and then decide to get me out? You don't make sense, James Potter." I said a small smile on my face.

James glanced at his cracked watch, "No time to explain, we have to go." He said and then proceeded to grab my arm and drag me outside to where the whomping willow was. We approached the violent tree and tried to avoid getting cut into pieces, if that was possible. I didn't want to test that theory.

"James what's happening," I said as he proceeded to poke the knot of the tree which automatically paralysed the tree. "James, what's going on and why do you look so messy? Your clothes are ripped-" I stopped myself short when I had realised what happened.

That idiot had gone with Remus to transform, I had forgotten that it was Remus's 'time of the month'. I assumed that the others were there too and James probably purposely got me into detention to keep me busy. The idiot was suddenly smart. You'd think I'd be annoyed at the fact that they didn't let me come with them, but in a way I was kind of relieved. Why? Because I hated blood. When Remus was in wolf form, they would have to fight and there would be so much blood. I couldn't handle blood. The only thing that didn't make sense was why I was here. If he wanted to keep me out of it what was the point of bringing me?

The sight before me explained everything.

Sirius sat on the chair, clutching his bleeding shoulder. Peter sat in the corner, avoiding everyone's gaze and Remus was passed out on the bed, his body covered up in cuts and bruises. My eyes widened and I could've sworn that a small shriek escaped my mouth as I took in everyone's state. James sat down on the dusty couch, running a hand through his hair and then looked at me.

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