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"So, this is nice." I muttered, mostly to myself.

We were all sitting at The Three Broomsticks. The boys and I plus Marlene, Mary and Lily who looked like she seriously would prefer gauging her eyes out with a spoon then to be sitting here with us. The air was awkward and no one really knew what to say.

"Shut up, Josie." Sirius said as he took a sip from his butterbeer.

"Hey don't be mean to her!" Mary said, narrowing her eyes at Sirius. I felt a strange happiness surge through my body, even though I was not insulted by Sirius and even though he wasn't purposely being mean to me it was nice for her to defend me. I would definitely be putting her in my top five favorites list. A smug smirk worked it's way up to my lips and I stuck my tongue out at Sirius.

"Very mature." Sirius said, scrunching up his nose.

Marlene drummed her fingers against the table, "So, how have you all been?"

"I'm very well, thanks. How about you?" Remus said politely.

"I'm fine." Marlene said, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"James," I whispered to him quietly, thankfully he was next to me so I wouldn't have the others hear anything, "Lets just leave."

James's eyes widened, "What no! we can't!"

"Why not?" I muttered sadly. He ignored me.

Lily turned to Remus and asked, "Remus, have you done the reading on the uses of the Shrivelfig plant?"

"The what?" James asked, bemusedly.

"It's a plant that's found in Abyssinia-" Lily began but was cut off by a bored Marlene.

"Nobody actually cares Lily," Marlene said.

"I care!" James said a little too excitedly.

Marlene "Oh, sorry. Nobody cares except for James." Her gaze met mine. "Josie, d'you want to go to the bathroom?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine."

She got out of her seat and gave me a pointed look, "Are you sure?"

I took this as a sign that we needed to talk so I said, "You know what? That sounds like a good idea. Sorry guys, got to go." I stood up quickly and followed Marlene into the bathroom.

She hunched her shoulders as she walked over to the sink, "This is horrible! everyone is acting so awkward." She said, exhaling.

I nodded, "I know, it's never like this when I'm with the guys." I turned to her,"Y'know I'm surprised Lily came I mean she hates James."

"I made her come but now I regret coming myself." She groaned. "Oh what do we do? We have to fix this."

"What? Why do we have to do that?" I frowned.

She looked at me like I was an idiot, honestly I was just lazy. "Oh I don't know because it was our idea in the first place!?" she said exasperated.

"But that doesn't mean we have to actually do things!"

"Josie! We are going to fix this. Somehow!" She said and proceeded to gently push me out of the stall, I could almost see the engines starting to work in her mind.

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