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"What the bloody hell was that?" A voice said. Mine.

Sirius and I stood up, trying to see over the crowds, there was someone moving around - crashing into things and being fairly loud and annoying. I couldn't see well from far so I moved in closer so I could get a better view. I wish I hadn't.

"Is that James?" Sirius spluttered, laughing.

James was standing on the table now, a shot in his hand. He looked like he was saying something but I couldn't hear over the buzz of the people around me. I could however hear the drunken cheers around me every time James said something. Suddenly, James began to sing. His voice was not singing material - he was loud, pitchy and all around terrible. I wasn't sure whether to laugh at him or to stop him. The marauder part of me wanted to take a picture of this and remind James of this moment the next time he was sober but the other part of me wanted me to stop him. I was kind of torn.

"You're my sunshine!" he sang, "You're my only sunshine! I love you when I'm okay!" I slapped a hand across my forehead. I had taught him that song in second year and not only was he singing it badly he wasn't even singing the right lyrics! I was ashamed and appalled.

"Hey, isn't he singing the muggle song you taught him? I hate that song." Sirius said his eyes focused on James.

I stared at him openmouthed and proceeded to hit his shoulder, "How dare you! It's a lovely song. What do you listen to anyway? Other than the music of Satan of course."

Sirius guffawed, "Haha, very funny."

"You make me happy when skies are blue- grey, I mean grey!" James swayed "You make me-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because he stumbled and fell face-first onto the floor. The crowd gasped as they tried to figure out what to do. This was basically my signal to interfere. Sirius and I ran towards him, pushing the people around us so that we could save the drunken James from further humiliation - if that was even possible.

Sirius and I exchanged a look, "You okay, Prongs?!" I asked, loudly hoping he could hear me.

He patted my cheek and nodded dreamily, "Yes, I'm fine. But, I didn't know that dragons could talk." His eyes went to Sirius, "Sirius Padfoot Black! Where have you been?" he said, grinning at him.

I rolled my eyes at James. So I was the dragon but Sirius was himself? Also, I wondered if James knew what Sirius's middle name was. It was Orion.

Sirius chortled and helped his drunk friend up "I've been here the whole time. But enough about that how do you feel, mate?"

James stuck both of his thumbs up, "I-I feel terrible- no, terrific. Terrific! Can I jus' say, you are- you are my best. You, Josie, Remus and Pete-er are my bests. I love you." James slurred his words, jabbing his finger into Sirius's chest.

Sirius laughed and clapped a hand onto his back, "Thanks mate, alright let's go upstairs."

James shook his head and began to look wildly around the room, "W- wait I didn't say happy birthday to Jos-josie." he said, looking like a sad child.

My heart softened at his words, "I'll tell her, James." I piped up. "I promise."

James smiled at me, with his eyes half-closed. "Thanks dragon." he said and then waved at me before climbing up the stairs with Sirius who was trying and failing to stop himself from laughing.

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