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Everything Remus had said to me made me feel awful. I was in no way an immature child! I was so angry that I felt the need to do something to take out my anger, I looked at the wall and punched it. Literally.

I regretted it a moment later when pain suddenly shot up my arm, I winced and put my head on my knees, regretting every decision I had made in my life so far.

"Josie?" A familiar voice said. James.

I sighed in frustration and quickly wiped my tears, "Go away, James before I curse you into oblivion!" my voice said shakily.

He approached me and chuckled softly before sitting next to me against the wall, I crossed my arms and kept my gaze solely on the ground afraid if I looked up then James would see how much of a mess I was.

"You sound a bit like Lily now.." He awkwardly laughed and nudged me, "You okay?"

I looked up, wiped my tears and glared at him, "What do you think?"

He put a comforting arm around my shoulder, "Josie, everything that Remus said was a lie and I'm a hundred percent certain that he didn't mean any of it. At all."

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter if he meant it or not! All I wanted was to make him happy and it just ended up blowing in my face."

He shot me a sympathetic look,"You know how Remus is like when the full moon is near, he gets all cranky and stuff."

I scoffed, "Cranky, yes. But does he scream in your face and embarrass you in front of everybody?" I said, angrily.

He ran a hand through his hair, "Josie, maybe you should talk to him. He kept telling us over and over again how much he regrets what he told you. I truly believe that he didn't mean a word of what he said."

"If he didn't mean it, why would he say it?" I rhetorically asked.

"Ever heard of the saying, Never talk when your angry and never promise when your happy? Besides, he's been that way since he woke up. He yelled at Peter for not wearing his tie, fought with Sirius about the stupidest thing in the world and then he fought with you. I highly doubt that it wasn't from being a werewolf."

I pondered his words. Maybe he was right, I mean Remus never was like this to me - I supposed it could've been because of the werewolf thing.

"How'd you find me anyways?" I asked, after a moment of silence.

He pulled out the marauders map from his pocket and shot me an apologetic smile.

"Of course." I huffed. "You know sometimes I want to burn that thing." I said making him laugh.

His gaze suddenly ended up on the hand that punched the wall, "Josie, why is your hand red?"

I looked at my now bruised and swollen hand and groaned, "Oh, I punched the wall."

"You punched a wall? Why?" He asked with disbelief.

"I was angry. I would've punched you instead if I knew how painful it would be." I said annoyed.

"Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I'll fix it," I paused. "You know this is greatly ruining my chance of having the best year ever." I said, feeling a lot better.

He laughed, "Come on, let's go." He said and stood up, offering his hand which I took. He then began to lead us out of the astronomy tower before he paused and turned around, "Wait. I forgot something."

I lifted a brow, did he forget the map or something? I turned around to find nothing there but when I turned back I found myself in the arms of James Potter. I felt the tears threaten to leave my eyes and it took everything in me not to cry in his warm embrace. I wrapped my limp arms around him and he gave me one final squeeze before he let me go.

He put his warm hand on my cheek, "Don't let me ever see you cry again, okay? I just can't bear it."

I somehow lost the ability to speak, act or think so I just nodded meekly and followed him leave the astronomy tower.

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