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"Um," I stared blankly. "I'm not entirely sure how to answer your question. Actually, I have absolutely no idea how to answer your question. What is it you want, exactly?"

The girl standing before me rolled her eyes, staring at me as if I was an incompetent child. For someone who was five foot one with bright, really unflattering orange hair and a baby face - she was surprisingly intimidating. Her blue eyes bore into mine, she straightened her back once more and repeated in a bored tone.

"I want to know - no, I need to know why. Why are you going out with Sirius Black?" she said, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me - her behaviour sort of reminded me of how policemen act when they interrogate a criminal.

"Because I  want to?" I said, bemused.

She did not seem to like my answer.

"No, but like - how, what did you do? Did you use a love potion? Which one was it the Gregory's formula or the Andrew Mackaby?" she said, listing off names I had never heard of in my life.

I wasn't sure whether she was serious or not, half of me wanted to laugh in her face while the other half wanted to punch her in the face. This girl looked about thirteen, fourteen at best. It was hilarious how she sounded so upset over the fact Sirius and I were together, but I noticed the pin on her blouse which was an obvious indication of why she was talking to me. The pin clearly stated in big, bold letters:

The Sirius Black Fan Club!

Join Now!

Ah, the infamous Sirius Black Fan club. I was their sworn enemy for years under false assumption that I was his secret girlfriend. They were all extremely irritating, but they seemed to be clairvoyant because they turned out to be right! This girl was probably trying to get information out of me to report back to the fan club. I really felt like laughing now, I sometimes forgot about how popular Sirius was with the ladies.

"Hello? Are you even listening?" The girl said, looking at me strangely. "I knew she was mental." she muttered to the side, even though their was no on standing there.

I had to quickly come up with something that would not only infuriate the whole fan club but would also satisfy my urge to slap this girl in front of me.

"I didn't use any love potion. Look, the reason we're together is because we like each other. Simple as that, baby." I shrugged, "There's nothing you can do about that so don't bother trying to start a nasty rumour or trying to come up with a diabolical plan to end our relationship." I said and I turned around, beginning to walk. I had a class to get to.

"But why you?! What do you have that we don't?" She exclaimed loudly making me pause. "Josie!"

I smirked, "I have Sirius Black." That should do it.

I could practically feel her rage from across the hallway, along with her loud scream of course.

In the distance I could see Frank and Alice laughing and hugging each other, "Aren't they cute?" Sirius said from behind me. I didn't even need to turn around, the scent of his cologne hit me before he had the chance to say hello.

I nodded, "If they were cats, they would be my favorite cats. I would name them Tea and Milk because together they would make Milk tea which I love." I said, watching them with a somber smile on my face.

Sirius threw his head back in laughter, "You know if you were another girl this would've been the perfect time to say something romantically cheesy." He said, bumping his shoulder into mine.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Cats are romantically cheesy."

Sirius grinned, "Oh really? Cats are romantically cheesy? In what possible way?" he said, raising a brow at me.

"Don't even try to start a fight with me about cats, I will cut you." I said getting defensive while narrowing my eyes at him playfully.

He laughed, not even slightly intimidated. "Was that supposed to be scary?" He said, leaning towards me.

"No," I said a small frown on my face. I was kind of hoping that it was, but I forgot that this was the same guy who had abusive parents and fought with a werewolf once a month. "Only slightly."

Before Sirius could respond to me, the teacher shook her head at us. "Mr. Black and Miss. Longbottom unless you want to spend an hour in detention writing about the dangers of the Muldroot plant I suggest you quit chatting and start working! This isn't some sort of hangout cafe!" She said, pointing at us with her quill.

I sighed, "Alrighty, let's get to work." I said, grabbing a piece of parchment and actually getting to work.

"I heard my fanclub tried to get ahold of you." Sirius said, emulating me.

My eyes widened. "They did, how did you figure that out?"

Sirius's eyes darted to behind me where the same girl from earlier stood, "She told me. Apparently you're planning to break my heart and our relationship is a coverup for your real love towards Remus Lupin." He said, eyes twinkling with humor.

I gasped, "How ever did she find out!" I said, shaking my head. "My plan is now ruined, however will I get the attention of Remus Lupin now?" I said, a bored look on my face.

"Exactly. I knew that it only meant one thing. So, what happened? Was there any screaming of some kind? Tears maybe?" He said, scribbling something down as he studied a plant.

"Not really, she just demanded to know why or how we were together. She thought I used a love potion." I said, laughing.

Sirius's eyebrows shot up, "Really? Now that is interesting." He said, grinning. "You know, I kind of feel bad for them. My fanclub. It's hilarious of course, yet kind of sad if you really think about it."

I scoffed, "The only sad thing about your fanclub is how they terrorize whoever goes out with you."

He nodded, "Now, how can we fix this problem?" He said, tapping his finger against his chin. His face suddenly changed as an idea popped into his head.

"What are you planning?" I asked, confused.

Sirius tilted his head and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me gently. His hands slipped into my back and I could feel him smile into the kiss. The butterflies in my stomach were released and my body as usual, started to tingle - electricity traveled all around my body, even my fingers were buzzing. I could hear the teacher protest loudly.

"No!" I heard. It was the same screech the girl screamed earlier.

We pulled apart, I had to hide behind Sirius to conceal my burning face.

"That's it. Detention for both of you and five points deducted each. Is this how you behave in a classroom? What is this disrespect? Do you not care about studying the art of herbology?" The teacher said looking extremely disappointed at both of us.

"Professor, are you honestly going to stand in the way of true love?" Sirius said, slipping his arm around my shoulder, giving the teacher an equally disappointed look.

The teacher snarled, "Shut it, Black." she said, rolling her eyes at him.

That was Sirius Orion Black for you.

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