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I rubbed my eyes tiredly and annoyedly grabbed my red toothbrush, I hadn't gotten any sleep last night which meant that I was not going to have a good day. I brushed my teeth and tried to list three things I was grateful for, so I could start this day on a semi-positive note. I usually did not do this but Lily told me that this was a great way to be a more 'positive' and 'humble' person.

I racked my brain trying to find things I was grateful for but I was terrible at thinking of things from the top of my head. Eh- I was grateful for this toothbrush for brushing my teeth, I was grateful for my friends I was grateful for-


"What in Godrics name-" I said spitting out the toothpaste and wiping my mouth.

The door slammed open and five people stood there with bright, happy faces, holding a cake and then all at once they said, "Happy birthday Josie!" and someone flicked their wand making sparks fly around the bathroom that spelled out 'happy birthday to you'. My jaw fell open and I gaped a few times before I could finally speak.

"Oh my Gosh- you guys!" I said, jumping up and down excitedly. "You got me a cake!" I said scanning the vanilla cake that was now floating in the air for some bizarre reason. "With my name on it!"

"Really? I hadn't noticed," James said, laughing before hugging me, "Happy birthday Josie! May you live to be old and toothless." He said, ruffling my hair.

"Thanks James. I hope you'll join me when I'm at that age." I beamed.

"Josie! You're finally seventeen! Isn't that great?" Marlene gushed, pulling me out of the bathroom.

I shrugged, "I feel no different than being sixteen but it's not bad." I then sat on my bed, "Thanks for the cake by the way and for everything."

"Why are you thanking us? We haven't done anything yet." Sirius said, sitting next to me.

I tucked a strand of curly hair behind my ear, "Yeah but just the fact that you guys care- it means a lot to me." I said, smiling with my teeth.

Marlene aw'ed and hugged me from the side, "Aw, isn't she just the cutest thing?" she cooed.

James laughed, "She's like a little baby. Little baby Josie. Yeah, I like the sound of that." He said teasingly.

I batted her away like a mosquito, "Noooooo stop. I'm seventeen now you can't do this to me." I said in faux anger.

She proceeded to pinch my cheek and tug at it, "Aw, Josie! You think you're all big and grown up, how adorable." she said, laughing.

I laughed, "Okay, okay. I get it. I'm adorable. So what did you guys get me for my birthday?!" I said excitedly.

Sirius smile turned into a grin and he turned to James and gave him a smug face, "Ha! I told you she'd say that! I want my five galleons." he said smirking at James.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Enough, children." He said, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

James glared at him and fumbled through his pocket begrudgingly, "Fine." he said and muttered something incoherently and then reluctantly gave Sirius give galleons.

I raised a brow at them, "You made a bet?" I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Sirius's head.

Sirius ducked right before the pillow could hit him, "Sorry darling, still love you though!" he said, his smile widening.

Unspoken || Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now