Chapter Seven

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When Mrs. Coker saw the doors open, she saw Damien walk into the hall approaching them. He looked handsome. Every other person seated, especially the ladies, all stared at him with cow eyes, mesmerized as he walked past them.

‘That’s my son. So handsome no matter what he wears.’ She thought proudly and immediately, clapped Vivian on her hand saying, “Look, he’s here.”

Vivian turned her gaze towards the entrance and saw Damien as her face immediately lit up in smiles. “Oh, here he comes.” She said, excitedly.

“Hello son.”

“Good evening, mum.” He greeted and sat down as Vivian turned to him, eyes beaming with excitement.

“Hello, my prince.” She blushed.


“I was worried you weren’t going to come.”

“I got caught up in traffic. You haven’t ordered yet?” He asked taking the menu into his hands. 

“No. we were actually waiting for you.”

“Alright! I’m here now. Let’s make our order.” They picked up their menu to select what to eat.

Days later…

Inside the company, when Lauren passed though the hallway leading to the storage room, she stopped by the window of the Human Resources Department. Peering through the transparent glass,  scanning inside the room. She saw some people; most of them; just lazing around and some sleeping. Thinking of what to do, an idea struck her. She moved to lift their spirits up and took out her cell phone from her pocket and turned up the room by playing Kiss Daniel’s “Good time”.

The song which had begun playing drew their attention as they raised their heads and saw her moving to the beat. She entered the office beckoning them to join her. Reluctant at first they felt, but one by one, they started to get up approaching her as they danced gleefully. 

At the same time, while inside the CEO’s office, Damien was busy signing on some documents, when he noticed Lauren wasn’t there.

“Where’s Lauren?” He asked.

“She went out to get coffee, ” Helen answered, “Should I call her?”

“No.” Damien could hear clapping sounds and cheerful laughter coming distinctively from the hallway. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what, sir?” George asked with a puzzled look as Damien got up sashaying out of his office, while George and Helen followed him behind, also curious to know what was going on.

As the music continued, Damien approached the hallway hearing cheering sounds as they grew louder. He quietly walked into the office where the noise came from, and saw his employees dancing in circles around Lauren who was in the middle throwing shreds of papers over her, as the music slowly came to an end.

They cheered aloud clapping. Lauren’s smile was satisfactory. She looked happy to see them all rejuvenated but too bad it only lasted for a while.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!!!” Damien roared his tone was loud as thunder.

The employees in the room all jumped in fear including Lauren. Confused as to what was going on, she stood with her foot planted to the floor and her eyes followed them, watching them all scattered to their cubicles.

In an instant, the once cheerful room turned gloomy. Some of them stole glances from behind their cubicles.

Still dumbstruck, “What’s the matter? Why did you all run away?”

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