Chapter Fifteen

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Damien was astonished. Lauren’s eyes widened like saucers when she heard Victor call her his girlfriend in front of Damien. This made the room uncomfortably silent with Damien frowning as he couldn’t comprehend what he’d just heard.

“What? What did you say?” He asked again.

“Victor.” Lauren called out in a whisper, tugging at the hem of his shirt in a bid to get him to stop talking but that didn’t work.

“I was going to keep it a secret until the end. But seeing how you’re bullying her, I cannot keep quiet anymore.” Victor replied Ignoring Lauren’s signals, as he threw his arm around her shoulder pulling her close to his chest thereby worsening the situation as he added, “You see, Lauren, is my girlfriend. And i will appreciate it if you leave her alone and stop bothering her.”

Damien scoffed in disbelief at his words. He thought it was just a mere plot of his to make him stop treating her however he wanted. He shifted his gaze to Lauren, who had her head cowered down to avoid his gaze.

“Is this true?” His questions made her straighten up, raising her head to look at him.

“What?” She asked.

His brow was furrowed “What he said. Are you two dating?” He asked back.

“Yes, we are.” Victor responded in her stead. Damien just stared at them dumbfounded.

“And if you want proof, I’ll show it to you.” Victor stated and cupped Lauren’s cheeks pressing his lips against hers.

Damien was irate. He wanted to punch his brother on his face as he couldn’t stand the sight of him kissing the woman he had gradually started to have feelings for.

Even though it was just for a moment, Victor didn’t want to let go, and held her close kissing her softly savoring the taste of her lips. Seconds later, he separated from her as she slowly opened her eyes looking at him smile at her, and then turned his gaze to Damien.

“I know you must be wondering when this started. But, I’m not going to tell you now.” He mocked.

Damien stared at Lauren who had her head down after the kiss. She was taking her time trying to recover from her kiss with Victor a moment ago and it made Damien angry.

“I think it’s best if you leave.” Damien hissed.

“Why? So you can bully her while I’m not around.” He looked at Damien with so much disdain while she continued to tug on his shirt but he ignored her and added, “No way! You’re the one who’s going to be leaving because you’re not welcome here.”

Since tugging on his shirt didn’t work, she thought of another thing to do.

“Uh… I’ll leave you two alone.” Lauren cut them off slowly and turned to start walking, when they both shifted their gaze to her.

“Stop right there!” They ordered in unison; stopping Lauren in her tracks and she turned to the both of them.

Victor returned his gaze back to Damien and continued, “What do you want from her? Is making her life at the office miserable not enough for you?” He fumed with an annoyed expression and his voice filled with anger.

Damien’s lips were pursed in a thin line as he responded. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. What I do to her is none of your business.”

“I think you have over stayed your welcome.”

“Yeah, don’t count on it.” They both covered the distance between themselves, hands balled up into fists as they got into fight mode.

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