Chapter Eleven

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While seated in a quiet space that separated them from the customers, “What do you want?” Susan questioned.

Patience stared around the store with a disgusted look. It didn’t take long for her to reveal her true intention of coming to her store.

“I thought you went out of business.” She said in a bitter tone.

“…” Susan didn’t answer but just stared at Patience as she continued, “I see your business is still going well. Given the fact that you allow just anyone to come in and shop.”

“What are you saying? They are human just like you. And besides, I don’t discriminate, unlike you.” Susan sneered.

“What did you say?” Patience hissed with a hateful expression.

“After what you did to put me out of business, I had to take extra precautions.”

There was nothing Patience didn’t do. From hurting her to trying to sell the store just because she didn’t want to see Susan anywhere near her.

“Please spare me all that crap and tell me, why are you still in this city? I thought you agreed not show your face again.”

Susan laughed hysterically at her comment. “Oh, patience… you’re such a narcissist,” Her laughter vanished and she put on a serious expression. “Who do you think you are to tell me where I need to go? After sending Vincent…” She choked and her eyes became teary, as she paused to take a moment to calm herself down before she continued in an accusing tone, “After sending him to his grave, haven’t you had enough? What more do you want? Do you think the world revolves around you?”

“Watch the way you talk to me! You are nothing but a mistress who weaseled her way into my house with that bastard son of yours to ruin what I’ve worked hard to build.” Susan stared at Patience in amusement as she continued her rant.

“I really blame my husband for not thinking and just taking in a bunch of strays from the streets. You think I don’t know why you came here; you came here to reap what you didn’t sow. It was your plan to put your son into the company just so you could take what does not belong to him. You and your son are the intruders in my house. And I will not rest till I have uprooted that bastard son of yours out of the company and out of me and my son’s lives.”

Listening to all the words patience spat out, Susan’s blood boiled. She could take the insults hurled at her but, if there was one thing she couldn’t stand, was her calling her son a bastard. She really wanted to mop the floor with her face and give her the beating she never expected but held herself back and instead chose to defend herself with words.

“Are you done?” Susan stared at her with a wrathful expression. “Now it’s your turn to shut up and listen. You call me a mistress? I was legally married to victor’s father. And mind you, I didn’t marry him for his wealth. It was for love. I don’t know where you got that idea from. You just feel jealous and insecure and that’s why you tell yourself what you choose to believe. Vincent loved us equally.” Patience rolled her eyes at Susan’s remark.

“He loved both our sons equally. He had never loved unfairly. And I’d never treated Damien any differently like I’d treat my son. You, however, loved only his wealth and your son. Even when he was sick you ignored him for your selfish reasons. You were the one who pushed him away. And now you’re teaching your son how to live like you and that is wrong. Have you ever taken a moment to know how your son feels?

Can’t you see you are depriving him of the love he and his brother should have for one another? All you have succeeded in doing is poisoning his mind and making him think that Victor is after their father’s fortune and the company. When will this stop, patience? When!? You are destroying this once beautiful family.”

“I don’t care!” Patience stated, seemingly uninterested about what Susan said. “It was only beautiful to you because you came into this family and snatched all the happiness for yourself. I never was in support of it and I will never be.” She stood up and reached for her bag then turned and started to walk.

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