Chapter Ten

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After bawling her eyes out for a couple of minutes, she opened the tap splashing some water on her face, before wiping her face with a paper towel and sniffed.

“Let’s endure it.”

Even after everything he’d put her through she wasn’t going to let it put her down. She was determined to be happy.

“Hold it in… only two more months to go.” She felt a faint throbbing pain at her back and reached out massaging it before setting out of the restroom.

As Lauren walked out the company doors after work, she noticed that Victor’s car was already parked by the curb with him leaning beside it, as he waited for her. Before leaving the office she made sure to put on some make up to conceal her puffy eyes as a result of the tears she said a while back because she was going to have dinner with victor. Even with the makeup on, her eyes were still a bit puffy so she hoped he wouldn’t notice.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” She apologized as she slowly approached him.

“It’s okay… you are worth the wait.” She smiled as Victor stated opening the door for her.

“Please get in.”

“Thanks.” Lauren entered settling in her seat as he closed the door and walked over to his side of the car and entered, turning on the ignition and drove away.

Back in the office, as they prepared to leave, Damien was going through some paper work while George and Helen stood waiting to collect them.

“Helen?” Damien called out without so much as taking his eyes off the papers in front of him.

“Yes sir.”

“Why was Lauren at the 3rd floor?” His tone was flat. Helen was astonished.

She was silent as she was lost for words. Damien raised his gaze at her; his face revealing a dark look and her body stiffened in reflex as he scowled at her with his sharp eyes.

With a chilly tone, he continued, “I believe I just asked you a question and will not want to repeat myself.”

She swallowed and stuttered, “S-s-she went to deliver some documents.”

George watched on as Damien questioned Helen further.

“Whose responsibility was that?”

“It was mine, sir.”

“Then explain to me, what stopped you from going there?” He demanded.

“I was handling some paper work.” He returned his gaze back to the paper in his hand and let it down on the table, then smirked.

George was no stranger to Damien’s personality. He’d been working for him for a very long time so he knew how to keep his emotions in check.

He glanced at Damien who smirked yet again and stated, “I see. I guess you can call applying makeup while doing what you should have been doing, working on some paper work.”

Helen’s heart dropped at his statement wondering how he knew about it. She felt the atmosphere around her become tense. It felt as if she was being cornered; like a prey haunted by its predator. Suddenly overwhelmed by fear, she quickly searched for words to say.

“Please sir. Forgive me. It was a mista-”

Damien’s fist slammed on the desk cutting her off, making her body jump.

Then slowly, he raised his gaze shooting her a murderous stare which sent a fresh wave of chills down her spine.

“Listen up! Lauren works for me alone! If you ever make her run any of your errands again, that day will be the last day you get to set foot into this company, do I make myself clear?!” He warned.

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