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"Well if you put your hand over my mouth i'm gonna lick your hand dummy!" Fallon said before bursting into another fit of laughs which caused Damon to glare at the girl across him.
"What are you on about?" Seth asked when her laughing stopped
"She licked my hand" Damon mumbled before grabbing some bacon off Fallons plate.
"hey! my bacon"
"not anymore"

Their friends rolled there eyes at the twos stupidness and focused on McGonagall who was at the front starting her speech about the first day of the new school year. When her speech was over they finished their breakfast and all got ready to leave the hall for their first class.

The group of friends arrived to their first class of the day, Charms. The current charms teacher was Professor Flitwick, he still had the same job since there parents started in their first year. Today's first class was joined along side the Hufflepuffs, so there wouldn't be anything to exciting going on it this class.
Fallon entered the Charms classroom along side her best friends and they headed over to their usual seats.

"Hello witches and wizards! How was your summer?" Professor Flitwick asked with excitement at the front of the class. He was being extra chipper today. That can't be good.
Blair raised her eyebrows at the small teacher and then turned to look at Fallon and Bobbi mouthing the words "Bloody hell he's chipper".
Fallon shook her head with a small laugh before responding to the Professer.
"Good, how about you Professor?"

Flitwick smiled down at the slytherin girl
"Oh my favorite student! I hope your summer was magical" he said with a soft smile
"It was"
"Wonderful! Anyways on with the lesson! Everyone settle down"

Flitwick continued on with the lesson for today, which seemed like kind of a bore honestly. But Fallon still listened and wrote down the notes as he spoke. Pretty soon the class was over and the were heading to there second class of the day which was Potions, joined by Gryffindor. Fallon was hoping that James wasn't in her class and maybe he was separated into the Defense against the dark arts class with Ravenclaw. Fallon only had her next class with Bobbi and Blair, and they all bid there goodbyes to the Three boys in there group that was walking towards the Potions and Transfigurations classes.

When the three girls arrived all eyes were on them the second their heels could be heard on the Potions classroom floor.

"Your Late" Professor Baddock mumbled as we strolled into the Potions class.

Blair mumbled out a string of curse that Fallon nor Bobbi could understand
"Sorry Professor" Bobbi mumbled before dragging Fallon and Blair over to the only three open chairs.

As they were walking over to get to there seats, Fallon heard a whistle sound from behind her. The three girls whipped there heads around to be faced with non other than James Sirius Potter and his group of friends. Fallon soon identified the person who whistled it being Knox Thomas, who looked exactly like his father.

"Thank you for your commentary Mr. Thomas. Hopefully you'll be able to keep it to yourself in detention"Professor Baddock yelled causing Knox to groan in annoyance as everyone in the class laughed. Fallon shot him a glare before turning back to sit down in her seat.

Just like the class before, it was very tiresome. Nothing interested Fallon in Potions or Charms, all she wanted to be doing was flying on her broom, or playing a game of quidditch. She would get lost in her thoughts dreaming about one day being a Professional Quidditch player. Fallons dream was to graduate from hogwarts and then go on to play for the Holyhead harpies. It had been a dream for Fallon since she was born, her dad had loved the sport and even played it when he attended hogwarts, so naturally Draco had taught her how to play at just age 6 which her mother Astoria didn't approve of. Potions class ended quiet quickly and Fallon and Blair drifted from Bobbi to go to there 3rd class, Herbology with Ravenclaw.

Herbology went by extremely slow compared to Fallons first two classes. Professor Longbottoms voice becoming a quick bore to herself and Blair. When herbology was over the girls trudged down to the Dining Hall, already tired from their first day......

• • • •

"Hey albus, what do you know about malfoy?" James questioned
Albus raised his eyebrows at his older brothers curiousness about the one girl he hated the most.
"Why do you ask? I thought you hated her?"
"No i do! i'm just wondering"
Albus signed before rubbing his face
"I don't know. She's one of the bravest people i've ever met. She's not afraid of standing up for her friends. She a goddess at quidditch. And she's drop dead gorgeous"
James looked at his brother with raised eyebrows edging him to go on
"Fallon also gets this look in her eyes whenever someone say it'll be dangerous, she actually a lot like you James. You guys would be good friends if you didn't hate each other so much" Albus said rolling his eyes before strutting away from his confused looking brother...

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