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"More like not a fan of the James Sirius Potter fan club!"~ ✧ ~

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"More like not a fan of the James Sirius Potter fan club!"
~ ~

[fallons pov]

"How is it tutoring James?" Blair had whispered the question quietly. There were more than a few girls in your year, in your house, who fancied James and who would do almost anything to get close to him.
"Honestly? He's so irritating. He spend half the time he supposed to be studying trying to flirt with random girls and the other half of the time he's so unfocused and bored, it seems like he's not paying attention anyway." You rolled your eyes and tore into your toast, ripping the bread in half.
"And then he asks really stupid questions that a 2nd year should know. I mean...does the boy have butterflies for brains?" Your friend laughed into her pumpkin juice, eyes flickering toward the Gryffindor table.
"I think it's rather that he is focused on other...things." you turned your head, glancing over your shoulder.
There was James, surprise surprise, sitting next to another new fling, his face mere inches from hers. You turned back and shuddered, shook your head and took a bite of your torn toast.

"That's disgusting. I mean really. Do girls not realize how many girls he has said the same things to? I mean they think they're special but James is a flirt." Your friend shrugged and licked her lips.
"I mean I get it. Potter has that whole charming and charismatic, bad boy appeal. Plus he's got that messy brown hair and hazel eyes and if you mix that all together..." While your other friend, Josephine whistled, you gagged.

"I don't get it. Sure James is attractive but then you look at how many different girls he has and how many hearts he's broken. I mean I bet he says the same thing to every girl he 'dates'." You raised your glass of pumpkin juice to your lips, taking a long swig.
"Okay so enough about Potter..." your friend leaned in again, this time a wide grin on her face.
"Heard Damon Nott is still single." You snapped your head up and stared her down.

"Is he really?" Your eyes moved down the Slytherin table until they locked onto the spot where your best friend Damon Nott sat.
He was with other guys on the quidditch team, probably discussing strategies for the upcoming game. While he was so focused, you looked him over, a sigh leaving your lips.
Damon Nott was the hottest boy you knew. He had the most beautiful eyes that were a mix of grey and blue. He was tall, taller than your model length of 5'7 and he played quidditch, the sport you loved more than life itself.

"He's so hot." You bit your lip and dazed off, dreaming about what a good kisser Damon was.
"I'm impartial to my boyfriend, but yeah he's cute." Bianca said, After a while of staring, you shook your head and focused back on your breakfast.
You finished eating your toast and eggs, downed your pumpkin juice and then stood. You grabbed your bag and threw it over your shoulder saying a quick goodbye to some of your friends in the process.

You were going to get to charms early, you hoped, to ask professor Flitwick about the upcoming exam.
"Malfoy!" You heard your name being called just as you left the great hall and turned the corner. You knew it was Potter and chose to ignore him.
"Malfoy! Cmon Wait!" You felt a hand grab your wrist and you stopped. James came to stand in front of you, hands shoved into his pockets.
Like usual, his tie was loosened around his white shirt, either by choice or by laziness you didn't know. His hair fell into his eyes every so often, and every so often he would shake his head to move his hair.
"What do you want, Potter?" His smirk grew and he looked you up and down.
"What's wrong sunshine? Not a morning person?" You wondered if it was possible to strain your eyes from rolling them too often.
"More like I'm not a fan of the James Sirius Potter club." You went to step around him, eye twitching when he blocked your path.
"You of all people should know that"

"We could start our own club." James flashed you a dazzling smile before winking. You blinked twice and stepped around him again.
"Nothing? Not a single smile?" You grit your teeth and continued walking toward the charms classroom, James following.
"You really think your pick up lines will work on me Potter? I know you've used them on all your 'girlfriends', so they're kinda moot." You stopped outside the classroom, facing James. You crossed your arms over chest, watching him.
"Did you need something? Or did you just want to annoy me?" James' smirk only grew, which vexed you.
"You're cute when you're annoyed." Your eyes narrowed into a glare and you shifted your weight from foot to foot.
"What do you really want, Potter? I'm not in the mood for your flirting games?" You actually saw some self-doubt cross James' face, which took you by surprise.

"I need to pass potions. I can't fail." You chewed the inside of your cheek and then frowned.
"Listen James, I'm going to try my damndest to shove as much information about potions in your head, but you need to focus more. You need to decide if constantly having a girlfriend or a sex friend is more important than your future. Because the way you're going, even with all the help I can give you, you're going to fail. And I promise you that i really don't want to be helping you Potter. So let's just make this easier on the both of us and you just focus, mk?" You pat James' cheek twice and left him standing in the hall, while you walked into the charms class.
Hopefully that would give him something to think about.

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